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Simple solution to rising gas prices


Get off of your fat butts, and walk, ride a bike, or at the very minimum carpool. I hope prices continue to rise - you want to guzzle gas and pollute our environment, cause congestion, and take two parking spaces with your oversized guzzler, you pay. This country is 2/3 overweight - get off of your fat keesters. Obviously, I have to drive from time to time, but I fill up my tank in my hybrid car maybe once a month. 2/3 OF AMERICANS ARE OVERWEIGHT...PATHETIC!


Get off of your fat butts, and walk, ride a bike, or at the very minimum carpool. I hope prices continue to rise - you want to guzzle gas and pollute our environment, cause congestion, and take two parking spaces with your oversized guzzler, you pay. This country is 2/3 overweight - get off of your fat keesters. Obviously, I have to drive from time to time, but I fill up my tank in my hybrid car maybe once a month. 2/3 OF AMERICANS ARE OVERWEIGHT...PATHETIC!


Get off of your fat butts, and walk, ride a bike, or at the very minimum carpool. I hope prices continue to rise - you want to guzzle gas and pollute our environment, cause congestion, and take two parking spaces with your oversized guzzler, you pay. This country is 2/3 overweight - get off of your fat keesters. Obviously, I have to drive from time to time, but I fill up my tank in my hybrid car maybe once a month. 2/3 OF AMERICANS ARE OVERWEIGHT...PATHETIC!

You drive your car to Taco Bell?

I drove 1400 miles my first 2 mos of retirement - about 70 gallons of gas? So I got hit and extra $35 or $17.50/month or $4 per week.

Much ado about nothing. Since pot became legal the price has been cut drastically out here. There's your answer folks: Cut out one Starbucks every week and legalize medimar, the coffee bill goes down and the kush bill goes down along with your desire to drive. We're actually saving money out here :cool:

You'll spend more time driving 10 miles in California than I'll take to drive 60. I drive several hundred miles each week and usually take at least 2 or 3 flights too. Not everyone works in a cubicle with coworkers. As is typical of simple libbie solutions, you fail to see reality for many people. But hey, let's mandate this plan because it's what we 'should' all do.

Ah, good ole SPN - she made me remember what I forgot to mention in my original post when I started this thread, which is " Let the lame 'excuses' for gas guzzling begin! "

You'll spend more time driving 10 miles in California than I'll take to drive 60. I drive several hundred miles each week and usually take at least 2 or 3 flights too. Not everyone works in a cubicle with coworkers. As is typical of simple libbie solutions, you fail to see reality for many people. But hey, let's mandate this plan because it's what we 'should' all do.

I'm not mandating shit - I just reported how it affected me and how I coped with it being a new retiree. I also didn't advocate mandating anything. Maybe you should practice what you preach and read the post before you knee-jerk-us-off with one of your pat answer responses. :cool:

Get off of your fat butts, and walk, ride a bike, or at the very minimum carpool. I hope prices continue to rise - you want to guzzle gas and pollute our environment, cause congestion, and take two parking spaces with your oversized guzzler, you pay. This country is 2/3 overweight - get off of your fat keesters. Obviously, I have to drive from time to time, but I fill up my tank in my hybrid car maybe once a month. 2/3 OF AMERICANS ARE OVERWEIGHT...PATHETIC!

I agree. Fuck the poor. Let em walk. I hope OWEdummyasswipe puts that in his stump speech.

Maybe OWEbastard can announce his plan to use skittles to provide energy.

I agree. Fuck the poor. Let em walk. I hope OWEdummyasswipe puts that in his stump speech.

Maybe OWEbastard can announce his plan to use skittles to provide energy.

What does my post have to do with being poor? You are really grasping at straws - but then again, that is all you have.

BTW - Obama doesn't need to say "F--k the poor" - Romney has done that enough for all of the politicians combined.