Ron is next to go but he knows where all the bodies are buried so they will have to give him a good buyout. His crimes alone can take all of Sun down. TG wants rid of him but he cant figure out how to do it.
Your points are correct.
And now that Tom has participated in the pricing scheme himself - and he’s instructed people not to put things in writing as it relates to Foundation Care, the price increase, ASP and the loading of orders, he’s in a tough spot.
If he cans Ron, Ron might be able to turn on Tom and Sun. But that’s going to be really hard to do that because Ron’s been in the thick of selling the spread and off label promotion for many years.
So yeah, everyone’s in a tough spot on this one.
But don’t bet against the Indians combining the NSD roles to save a salary and taking their chances giving Ron the boot. Again, he’s been such a part of the shenanigans for so long that he can’t call them out on it. Same for Fadness, so maybe Ron will just end up in another role (Professional Relations).