Sick Out April 1

Pardon? B.C. is one smart guy. Probably the only one downstairs who knows accounting. Those idiot managers who don’t have a clue would simply drown without his knowledge accessible.

Pardon? B.C. is one smart guy. Probably the only one downstairs who knows accounting. Those idiot managers who don’t have a clue would simply drown without his knowledge accessible.

Agreed. I never had a problem with him when I was there.
He would acknowledge good work and he would call you all sorts of names when you made a stupid mistake. But, guess what? You never made that mistake again.

Some people don't like him because they were incompetent at their jobs and he always called them out.
At least he gives some sort of guidance to do your job better. The other bully managers don't do that. They plot to get rid of you if you don't fit in their clique.