Sick of my crappy company car!

They take money out of my check to pay for the car and I now have the right to use the car to make money after hours and on weekends. I use it plus fuel for well over 1500 miles a month and this makes me additional income. This is why I do not mind paying the monthly fee.

Good for you! I'm glad you are making lemonaide out of the lemon!

It's called working your way up and yes, it comes with higher pay and more perks too. Yeah, real disgusting. Moron.

What rock have you been hiding under??? This is just a job and only a few chosen moron's suck up to become a manager. You are going nowhere with this company except the unemployment line and government cheese to go with your whine!

I am so sick of hearing how "Thankful" I should be. I worked my ass off to get this job, keep it all these years, and succeed at it. It's amazing how much "Luckier" I get the harder I work. And as far as the company car... it's a disgrace. I am truly amazed how they have continued to cut every part of our compensation (and this is one of them, it's not b/c they like us... it is part of our PAY), yet our management, who don't drive ANYWHERE except to the grocery store, vacation and little league games pull up to meet us in these much better cars. It's truly disgusting!!!

I agree. Novartis doesn't have a problem with inflating the value of the company car in your compensation package! Nor, do they have a problem with finding the cheapest built piece of shit car and putting their employees in them that are making this company money. Again, they don't value their people!

I agree. Novartis doesn't have a problem with inflating the value of the company car in your compensation package! Nor, do they have a problem with finding the cheapest built piece of shit car and putting their employees in them that are making this company money. Again, they don't value their people!

Jose is gonna let you ride your bike very soon

You are DUMB, not ignorant.

Every new vehicle lists the production statistics (% of parts made domestically vs abroad and % of final assembly domestically vs abroad). Go to a Ford dealership and look what the manufacture's specifications and pricing sticker says for a new Fusion and Taurus. It is FAR FROM AMERICAN.

In the world of multinational corporations, "Buy American," is a pathetic attempt to appeal to one's emotions. American corporations like politicians, like drug reps, and our customers, are hypocrites. We all speak out of both ends of our asses. American manufactures outsource manufacturing/assembly as they see fit. Its just business.

Here's a link describing an American "made" car by your American company, Ford.

In case the above link is blocked, here's a summary of the article (dated 3-13-2009):
Ford manufactures all of its current hybrid models, both of them, the Ford Escape and the Mercury Mariner, in its Kansas City Assembly plant. It has now begun production of two additional models, the Ford Fusion and the Mercury Milan, at the same facility. Ford's plan, however, is to move production of the Fusion and Milan hybrids to its Hermosillio, Mexico assembly plant. This move will turn the Fusion and Mariner hybrids into Mexican vehicles assembled using a Japanese designed power train with the key component made in Japan. Why should anyone believe that this will stimulate the American economy or create jobs in the USA for American workers?

What do you say about the Hond Civic? Honda is a Japanese company. Some parts are made in the US, but the vast majority of final assembly occurrs somewhere in Ohio. What about Toyota Corollas and Camary's? Some parts made in the US, but the vast majority of final assembly for both cars occurs in the US. Same can be said with certain models of Hyundai, Kia, and VW.

By logic, wouldn't a Civic be more American than a Fusion? Especially if one looks at percent of foreign vs domestic components and percent of final assemblage in the US?

Try to enlighten yourself by actually reading instead of watching Fox news. Or, if you are too lazy to read, at least watch a competing news cast to gain a different perspective, and just maybe you might start to think critically, being able to differentiate fact from fiction, and see through all the bull crap.

Just a note - Fox News did do a story on the "Americian" cars.

When I watch all those other channels they all say the same line fed to them by liberal DEM's. Where's the news there?

Sincerely, leave, go. If your company car is your worst problem, then you have a lot to be thankful for. Have you read a newspaper lately? Checked out what 90 (some would argue 95) percent of the rest of the world is living with? Gone to Iraq lately? Lost a job? Been foreclosed on? I'm NOT saying Novartis is Mecca without problems, I AM saying if it makes you miserable then by all means, go and find a place you love, or can be happier at, life's too short!

Sincerely, leave, go. If your company car is your worst problem, then you have a lot to be thankful for. Have you read a newspaper lately? Checked out what 90 (some would argue 95) percent of the rest of the world is living with? Gone to Iraq lately? Lost a job? Been foreclosed on? I'm NOT saying Novartis is Mecca without problems, I AM saying if it makes you miserable then by all means, go and find a place you love, or can be happier at, life's too short!

Pay me and I will leave.

Okay people, I've read through most of these posts. Yes, thankful for job. No, not a big fan of this crappy ford piece of dung. Yes, I am glad I haven't been foreclosed on. No, where we have came from is not good.
I do agree with the above poster who stated managers get an upgrade to drive to their kids games...I about wet my pants! The truth is that we spend (good reps) any where from 6-8 hours in this car a day. It is not much more from a lease standpoint to get something decent. I'm just sayin'....

It's free, no gas, no insurance, no payment, no upkeep, again its free and with gas this high this is worth whatever they give you, go get another job, you would wish you kept your big mouth shut about what you drive, idiot!!

To post 32, you are correct, it's not free. It is factored into compensation. That said, how many of us factor it I to to ours? Personally speaking, it's one of my favorite benefits of the job. Some would prefer an allowance, I do not. Gas is at an all time high, no stipend will make up for that, didn't when gas was $1.50/gal and certainly won't now. Not free, but great service. To each his own.