But hey, you're not bitter. I love how everyone assumes the op (me) is a dude. Guess I'm just lucky, cause I do have a good manager. I love my job. Come on. Stop taking yourselves so seriously. If you're that concerned about counterpart complaints then it's time to document and learn to "play well with others".
The thing is, I have something most reps don't...perspective and gratitude. Combine those nd life isn't so hard. lack those and you're just one more narcacistic (did I spell it right this time douche bag) pain in everyone's a#$. Grow up already!
I consider "dude" genderless. I also have a boatload of perspective and gratitude-I wish I could expand on this but it wouldn't be wise to provide information pointing to my identity.
I agree, when you truly possess those traits, life isn't so hard. I also agree that most people, forget reps, aren't able to comprehend those traits at the depth and level of consciousness required in order for it to positively impact their lives.
No, I'm not bitter-good point. I don't even know when payday is I make so much at Forest. As a "grown up" who's been here over a decade my base double the starting salary. However, I don't even think about that often. I'm lucky too! How about that? The money is great but it means nothing compared to nor does it define who I am as a human being.
I play well with others too. I could keep to myself and collect my pay and let my partners sink or swim on their own-but I don't. Want to know why? Because I know I possess something really cool- I can genuinely see the perspective of others and how I could positively impact their lives and careers expecting nothing nor wanting anything in return-that's irrelevant. I never keep score-a divorce will teach anybody that (hopefully).
Having said that, I stand by my original response to you. It accurately depicts the current culture of most divisions in our company.'s N-A-R-C-I-S-S-I-S-T-I-C