Shut Down Access Solution


Such a waste of space of people and the abuse to many contractors. There are other departments that need to be cut. BUT Access Solutions would be a start.

welcome back! Haven't heard about your crusade for several months.

Hey everyone its the butt hurt contractor person from Access Solutions. Our most prolific content creator on this forum.

welcome back! Haven't heard about your crusade for several months.

Hey everyone its the butt hurt contractor person from Access Solutions. Our most prolific content creator on this forum.

Thanks for your acknowledgment, Idiot. Again, the expert projector like yourself think they are so cool working for tyrant of a company. Not butt hurt since I work for a better company that appreciates INDEPENDENT THINKERS.

But I do speak power to truth and made many aware of the hypocrisy of this stupid non straight company. The very reason for its failure.

It has its issues but Access Solutions has been the better choice than the competition HUBS on every therapy Ive worked. Retina FRM's are the best in the Retina Field......That's why Novartis hired them not the Regeneron Team. Keep throwing the blame at AS for poor sales numbers......If the NWOW are to be believed........Accountability will be thrown on the Sales team for better understanding of Issue Resolution. Good freaking luck!

It has its issues but Access Solutions has been the better choice than the competition HUBS on every therapy Ive worked. Retina FRM's are the best in the Retina Field......That's why Novartis hired them not the Regeneron Team. Keep throwing the blame at AS for poor sales numbers......If the NWOW are to be believed........Accountability will be thrown on the Sales team for better understanding of Issue Resolution. Good freaking luck!

Meh. An over glorified call center. Better to outsource this department to India, since they love H1B1.