Should we start getting worried?

Well if this is true, lets hope they tell us soon as some of us have been waiting till November

Move on, Collegium is hiring and has best in class ABD technology ...

Waiting since Nov???? Remember a few years ago Amgen hired a whole sales force for a drug that never got approved, then let everyone go... A bird in the hand is always better than 2 in the bush

Move on, Collegium is hiring and has best in class ABD technology ...

Waiting since Nov???? Remember a few years ago Amgen hired a whole sales force for a drug that never got approved, then let everyone go... A bird in the hand is always better than 2 in the bush

Collegium's just got delayed too! Purdue paid off the FDA to delay competition from others!

Move on, Collegium is hiring and has best in class ABD technology ...

Waiting since Nov???? Remember a few years ago Amgen hired a whole sales force for a drug that never got approved, then let everyone go... A bird in the hand is always better than 2 in the bush

Who is handling collegium's hiring? I don't see any sales positions on their website. Does anyone have any insight? I'm done with this shi* show with Teva.