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Should i stay or should I go?


I was let go yesterday but found an open position that I can apply for. Should i chance on the future getting brighter at AZ or should I take the package and move on?

I was let go yesterday but found an open position that I can apply for. Should i chance on the future getting brighter at AZ or should I take the package and move on?

if you have to ask this question then you have not been paying attention. This is about layoffs, they don't want you here and when a company decides they don't want you, then you need to move on. They will make your life even more miserable than it is now. Take the money, gracefully say thank you and then give them the finger when you get back home.

Depends on where you live really. If you live in an area where 6 figure jobs are hard to come by, I suggest you move to the open spot and stay very active in your job search.. I say this IF you've been with AZ less than 7 years. Under that time you'll get barely more than the min 3 months severance. 7-10 years it's a calculated risk that you'll find a new job in under 6 months. Over 10 years I'd take the package and job search full time. You get years of service plus 1, then a 2 week multiplier...

If you live in an area where jobs are abundant like NY/NJ, TX, IL or CA, you'll be fine. Reps that got let go last time in these areas got jobs quick. Reps that got let go in the south, mid size cities or small towns struggled to find something. Hope,that helps.

You said an open position you can "apply for". That's still a far cry from being offered a job, unless some higher up is needling you to do so, which might give you a clue. I've known people let go who applied for open slots who didn't get so much as a howdy do. Depends on your ranking and value. If you are able to post and offered a job why not? It at least buys you time and the option to look somewhere else.

You said an open position you can "apply for". That's still a far cry from being offered a job, unless some higher up is needling you to do so, which might give you a clue. I've known people let go who applied for open slots who didn't get so much as a howdy do. Depends on your ranking and value. If you are able to post and offered a job why not? It at least buys you time and the option to look somewhere else.

If you are like the rest of the naysayers and you haven't even started interviewing or networking then yes, take any job with AZ but just do the minimum to keep from being fired while working full time to get the fuck out of here. I have been interviewing for 9 months. Had some good opportunities and made it to the final round twice but no serious offer yet. But I have the luxury of a paycheck from good ole AZ and can wait for the right opportunity to come along.