Should I retire 3 years early to get health insurance?

Hell... We are all so aware that Miles doesn't need the money! If he's so damn benevolent, why didn't he give up some of his salary and keep some of the people who were high performers from the January layoff. Everyone at the divisional levels below a VP are afraid of losing their jobs even if they are consistently high performers, especially true in PPD. Fear does not motivate people to higher levels of achievement. It paralyzes them and reduces their capacity to perform. The suite has been infused with nepotism and others are hoping to get into the "club" some way, whether its by screwin' your way up and to safety like MSz, or covering for your buddies indiscretions.

Right. Abbott is going to continue to keep more reps than are needed because times are tough and we want to show compassion.
Let us in AP know when you are able to open an account at Illinois Trust with that or buy bulk chemicals to make some of PPDs products, or pay our property taxes.
THEN we can afford to keep not only everyone employed, but higher thousands more here in the US.... AND give all current employees salary bumps, bigger bonuses and stock grants.
So many of you in the field has such a warped perspective on corporation affairs and mechanics... it is amazing you can make it through the week.

Right. Abbott is going to continue to keep more reps than are needed because times are tough and we want to show compassion.
Let us in AP know when you are able to open an account at Illinois Trust with that or buy bulk chemicals to make some of PPDs products, or pay our property taxes.
THEN we can afford to keep not only everyone employed, but higher thousands more here in the US.... AND give all current employees salary bumps, bigger bonuses and stock grants.
So many of you in the field has such a warped perspective on corporation affairs and mechanics... it is amazing you can make it through the week.

Your spelling and writing skills show what an ignorant piece of shit you truly are.
Some hot shit AP decision maker, huh? If you do more then wipe Miles's ass, you have reached your "Peter's principal" level.
Go kiss some ass at AP, that's the only true job responsibility for 90% of you drones.
BTY, you stand a very good chance of getting shitcanned too, so don't be so glum.

I have earned the milestone of health insurance and life insurance for life. I have been counting on that for when I retire in 5 years. I'm wondering if I should retire right before the split happens and walk away with those benefits I've earned?????? The reps from Hospira got screwed. HR e-mail says new company will do as they wish with benefits.

You could get screwed any way. Just Google "GM retirees lose health benefits".

Abbott spun off the hospital products division as Hospira because it was a high volume, low profit commodity business. The fact that many of the employees were older was not a consideration.

But look, even the "new" Abbott could change the health care plan for retirement, or freeze the pension plan. The good news is that you will probably have some warning before it happens; the bad news is that if you leave or go into retirement, you won't get the severance. And that could be worth a years salary or more in and of itself. Not counting another year of profit sharing. The older reps that got let go last January had the best of all worlds.... they don't have to put up with this stuff.

I doubt we have any warning. I hope we do.

I have earned the milestone of health insurance and life insurance for life. I have been counting on that for when I retire in 5 years. I'm wondering if I should retire right before the split happens and walk away with those benefits I've earned?????? The reps from Hospira got screwed. HR e-mail says new company will do as they wish with benefits.

Look, I know it's unnerving to even consider the thought that something might happen to your retiree benefits, but we don't have enough info to go on right now. We all need to keep our heads and wait for a clearer picture to develop. There's a webinar this Tuesday, so hopefully more detail will be made available, or at least we'll get a timeline for the actual split of the company. In the current economy, nobody is safe, but wrecking your mental or physical health worrying won't help you or your loved ones. My advice is to try and build up your emergency fund and hang in there. We'll all make it through this.

I heard years ago IBM did this to their retirees and Pfizer just did it to the laid off Wyeth reps. So I think what you are saying is that I could retire before the split and they STILL take away my health insurance????

Hey old retiring guy, be happy that you made it through. The fact that you can even say the word "retire" means that you have no idea what us 30 and 40 somethings are facing in this changing corporate environment.

Right. Abbott is going to continue to keep more reps than are needed because times are tough and we want to show compassion.
Let us in AP know when you are able to open an account at Illinois Trust with that or buy bulk chemicals to make some of PPDs products, or pay our property taxes.
THEN we can afford to keep not only everyone employed, but higher thousands more here in the US.... AND give all current employees salary bumps, bigger bonuses and stock grants.
So many of you in the field has such a warped perspective on corporation affairs and mechanics... it is amazing you can make it through the week.

How long will it take for our society to understand corporate greed? Greed is good when all working components benefit. Greed is not good when only a few decision makers and stockholders do. That is truly the issue of our free market society.

Hey old retiring guy, be happy that you made it through. The fact that you can even say the word "retire" means that you have no idea what us 30 and 40 somethings are facing in this changing corporate environment.

Yes I know. I feel bad for my counterparts who are in their 30's and early 40's. They do feel stuck, however, harder to find a new job at my age than their age. I will start looking in May or June. Been putting off surgery that I need eventually. Will get it done this year and take a short medical leave. Will try to wrap things up as I know they will NOT give us the information we need to make an informed decision. It IS going to be a roll of the dice.

I have earned the milestone of health insurance and life insurance for life. I have been counting on that for when I retire in 5 years. I'm wondering if I should retire right before the split happens and walk away with those benefits I've earned?????? The reps from Hospira got screwed. HR e-mail says new company will do as they wish with benefits.

Yes, do it.

How long will it take for our society to understand corporate greed? Greed is good when all working components benefit. Greed is not good when only a few decision makers and stockholders do. That is truly the issue of our free market society.

You are a nut case. And I, evidently, am a "working component"? What kind of gibberish is THAT? How long will it take you to speak without the cliches and buzzwords? When will you ever have an original idea or thought, instead of spewing garbage that you heard on TV or talk radio?

You are a nut case. And I, evidently, am a "working component"? What kind of gibberish is THAT? How long will it take you to speak without the cliches and buzzwords? When will you ever have an original idea or thought, instead of spewing garbage that you heard on TV or talk radio?

You are a fool if you don't see the overabundance and greed in our society. I guess you call that garbage. Where is your original idea?? How about sharing it? I guess the housing melt down, Wall street, your wifes fake tits and her escalade that you make payments on are what I'm talking about.

You are a fool if you don't see the overabundance and greed in our society. I guess you call that garbage. Where is your original idea?? How about sharing it? I guess the housing melt down, Wall street, your wifes fake tits and her escalade that you make payments on are what I'm talking about.

Ok so you have the right to tell people how to spend their money when they have earned it and not you? I'm close to retirement age and I HATE what Miles White is doing. But that is a CEO answering to the shareholders. The shareholders who earned their money and CHOSE to buy Abbott stock. You are another Socialist........YES Socialist who wants something for nothing or something someone else earned. Who cares about someone's wife's fake tits if they earned the money and that's how they want to spend it. Who are YOU to say how they should spend the money they have earned? You are what's wrong with this country. It's the HAVES and HAVE nots. Well I will certainly be a casualty of the new Miles White plan but it's business. It's capitalism and I will take that over socialism any day of the week. I will do what I have to do to survive. ON MY OWN TWO FEET AND NOT TAKING WHAT OTHERS HAVE EARNED. And Miles White? Karma will come back and bite him. Don't you worry about that.

The early retirement package is not great, but it's better than nothing (barely). I was laid off last January at age 50. With serverence concluding at the end of November, I'm forced to take my reitrement then because I don't know if it will even be there at a later date. The monthly payout, with a spouse beneficiary is approximately $1,700. That's with 21 years of service. The insurance for a family of four is approximately $900 PER MONTH. Staggering compared to what my contribution currently is under the severence plan. So once taxes are deducted and the insurance contribution is taken, there isn't much left. This company should hang its head in shame.

The early retirement package is not great, but it's better than nothing (barely). I was laid off last January at age 50. With serverence concluding at the end of November, I'm forced to take my reitrement then because I don't know if it will even be there at a later date. The monthly payout, with a spouse beneficiary is approximately $1,700. That's with 21 years of service. The insurance for a family of four is approximately $900 PER MONTH. Staggering compared to what my contribution currently is under the severence plan. So once taxes are deducted and the insurance contribution is taken, there isn't much left. This company should hang its head in shame.

Why is it the fault of the company that you are not taking care of your finances?

Why don't YOU hang your head in shame for your mismanagement?

You can play the Victim role for as long as you want, but it won't fly. Ever. Get over it.

Ok so you have the right to tell people how to spend their money when they have earned it and not you? I'm close to retirement age and I HATE what Miles White is doing. But that is a CEO answering to the shareholders. The shareholders who earned their money and CHOSE to buy Abbott stock. You are another Socialist........YES Socialist who wants something for nothing or something someone else earned. Who cares about someone's wife's fake tits if they earned the money and that's how they want to spend it. Who are YOU to say how they should spend the money they have earned? You are what's wrong with this country. It's the HAVES and HAVE nots. Well I will certainly be a casualty of the new Miles White

plan but it's business. It's capitalism and I will take that over socialism any day of the week. I will do what I have to do to survive. ON MY OWN TWO FEET AND NOT TAKING WHAT OTHERS HAVE EARNED. And Miles White? Karma will come back and bite him. Don't you worry about that.

You miss my point. I am not for socialism either. But greed brings corruption. Yes, your wifes fake titties are none of my business. But what kind of values do we have right now? That is why everything is on the decline. Squeezing one more penny of profit any shady possible, or having tits because your jealous of your neighbors, its all comes from tge same origin. And dont tell me greed is good

Ladies, if you've earned your titties, I think you should have them. Oh, and vaginal rejuvenation surgery as well. Who said money can't buy happiness?

Greed is a good thing.

You miss my point. I am not for socialism either. But greed brings corruption. Yes, your wifes fake titties are none of my business. But what kind of values do we have right now? That is why everything is on the decline. Squeezing one more penny of profit any shady possible, or having tits because your jealous of your neighbors, its all comes from tge same origin. And dont tell me greed is good

Didn't say greed was good. Said you don't have a right to tell someone they shouldn't get fake titties or how mgt should run Abbott. It is what it is. If Abbott mgt is truly corrupt or making business decisions remains to be seen but they are entitled to run the company as they see fit. And these protesters in NY and LA want redistribution of the wealth and they DON'T have that right. These are my opinions despite the fact I know my benefits will be a casualty when or if I transition over to Newco.

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