Should I make the switch to Intuitive


I'm thinking about making the move to Intuitive from a solid company where I've been really successful and make about 165K a year. My current job is really challenging and time consuming but still pleased 80% of the time. Could anyone provide the cons and pros of transitioning to Intuitive for CSR position?

I'm thinking about making the move to Intuitive from a solid company where I've been really successful and make about 165K a year. My current job is really challenging and time consuming but still pleased 80% of the time. Could anyone provide the cons and pros of transitioning to Intuitive for CSR position?

This is a stupid question. Read the other posts on Intuitive. The culture is terrible! The average rep last 12-18 months. My advice, stay at your current job.

Are you f@&*ing serious? Do a little due diligence before posting questions like that. There are countless posts on here that accurately describe the culture at this company. I think if you take about 10 minutes to actually read what has already been written you'll have your answer.

I'm thinking about making the move to Intuitive from a solid company where I've been really successful and make about 165K a year. My current job is really challenging and time consuming but still pleased 80% of the time. Could anyone provide the cons and pros of transitioning to Intuitive for CSR position?

Heck yeah you should switch. All the bitching on this board if from disgruntled people who have crappy bosses and don't fit in with the culture. Its really tough but its an awesome company to work for especially if you have a great manager and region. We make 200k+ here and basically have no competition other than docs who don't want to take the time to train. We're not out chasing ambulances at 3am on Saturday and can spend plenty of time with family since we're not on call. We work way more than drug reps and most device reps, but the technology is exploding and we'll have many more approvals in the next 2 years. I've been with the company for almost 3 years and wish I had gotten in sooner. Ignore all the whiners on here and read the market analyst reports or talk to a hospital administrator in your area. They're better sales reps than we are sometimes. Good luck with your decision!

Using a robot on a gyne procedure is idiotic. High complication rates, crappy reimbursement, and too much money.

Can someone tell me how a 30 minute vag-hys is made better by a robotic procedure that can take 2 or more hours?

There's no way you're comparing apples to apples. I have never seen a simple hyst take 2+ hours on the robot. Was this surgeon new in their learning curve?? If so, of course it takes more time. Ask them how long their first lap or vag hyst took them. An experienced robotic surgeon is just as fast robotically, as they were laparoscopically (sometimes even faster). Other than the extra time in the OR as a surgeon goes through the learning curve, there is no added cost. Please explain where you get the added cost? Our instruments are cheaper than ligasure, Enseal, Harmonic, etc. The robot is paid for, that is not an extra cost. Drapes are cheap, so it can't be that. Reimbursement is the same as lap, so yes, it does hurt initially as the surgeon goes through the learning curve. Once they are through the learning curve the reimbursement is no different than what they are used to.

In regards to why it is better than a vag hyst, is simple: how about visualization, access, precision, better suturing of vag cuff from above (allows for a longer vagina by), less patient pain (vag hysts are very painful for the patient post op, all that tugging and pulling causes a lot of internal pain). Also, most vag surgeons struggle to remove the ovaries, so they just leave them there. If the patient is suffering from endometriosis, there is no way you can ressect it vaginally, b/c you can't see it. Also, leaving the ovaries, means that pain will soon come back. Lastly, LOS is shortened w/ robotics than w/ lap.

Can you please provide us with peer reviewed clinical data that LOS is shorter with robotic than lap surgery. If you were clinically trained instead of brainwashed you would understand that robotic surgery is actually laparoscopic. Instruments and scopes are used to perform a minimally invasive procedure. I also love when GYNs use the additional energy products and the barbed suture to complete a robotic hysterectomy, serious added cost with no added reimbursement.

I think they meant to say robotic LOS is shorter than vag, considering that was what they were talking about previously. LOS is roughly the same w/ lap. Robotics is about 1/2 day shorter than vag LOS. V-loc may be more expensive, but it saves OR time. Since every minute in the OR costs roughly $60/min, the V-loc is worth the expense.

I interviewed for a position with this company. After meeting the hiring manager, I politely told the recruiter, no thank you. The culture appears to be fear based and micro-managing. This might work for a kid out of college, but not for established medical device folks.

Good luck.

thank you all for your help

intuitive sucks and the reps are puds-they think they are great becasue the robot is so cool! hospitals hate them and the reps and their managers...this is fact and all other device reps laugh at them-yes men with not a though of their own...pharm reps laugh at them.they cannot keep a rep for more than 2 years.WE ARE LAUGHING A YOU ROBOT BOY!

intuitive sucks and the reps are puds-they think they are great becasue the robot is so cool! hospitals hate them and the reps and their managers...this is fact and all other device reps laugh at them-yes men with not a though of their own...pharm reps laugh at them.they cannot keep a rep for more than 2 years.WE ARE LAUGHING A YOU ROBOT BOY!

Please keep laughing, while we sell more and more robots and grow and grow and grow - oh did I mention if you are good at your job you make 250K plus with us, sell some robots and you make serious money. You wouldn't know about why reps leave...think about it, if you make 400K for two years in a row and paid off your house and sank 300K in the bank, it gives you a whole new perspective.....but keep laughing, what's your retirement age at the rate you're going 65? 70? mine will be 20 years earlier...but keep laughing

Yeah you think you're so cool and so loaded but your wife probably left you and you see your kids once a month. Got all that money in the bank? your wife will gladly take half when she leaves your ass

Please keep laughing, while we sell more and more robots and grow and grow and grow - oh did I mention if you are good at your job you make 250K plus with us, sell some robots and you make serious money. You wouldn't know about why reps leave...think about it, if you make 400K for two years in a row and paid off your house and sank 300K in the bank, it gives you a whole new perspective.....but keep laughing, what's your retirement age at the rate you're going 65? 70? mine will be 20 years earlier...but keep laughing

you w2'd 800k, paid off your house and saved 300k? Your house must be a piece of shit.

Please keep laughing, while we sell more and more robots and grow and grow and grow - oh did I mention if you are good at your job you make 250K plus with us, sell some robots and you make serious money. You wouldn't know about why reps leave...think about it, if you make 400K for two years in a row and paid off your house and sank 300K in the bank, it gives you a whole new perspective.....but keep laughing, what's your retirement age at the rate you're going 65? 70? mine will be 20 years earlier...but keep laughing

you are full of crap and do not make 400k a are ROBOTBOY-take me to your leader!!