Should I even go to the interview?

There will be some that come back and bash you....big deal! Your success at Rotech starts with your wonderful state of mind.

When the new computer system came out last year in our area, the thing I heard the most was on how earth were the "older" (age & or years @ Rotech) workers going to get used to it.

I would just laugh and come back with..."Let's face it. If it was a new big a$$ TV that connects to the internet or Wii we would all have it figured out that first night. This new program is no different. In fact it is better because I get to earn a paycheck to pay for that TV and etc".

Truly is a state of mind as you have stated.

You're right. Rotech is about the best job here in town, and I'm sticking with it.
Health plan, 401K, company car, and hire who I want, when I want.
One suggestion.
Get to know the mods here on a first name basis and show your best side!
Rotech Forever!

You're right. Rotech is about the best job here in town, and I'm sticking with it.
Health plan, 401K, company car, and hire who I want, when I want.
One suggestion.
Get to know the mods here on a first name basis and show your best side!
Rotech Forever!

Best job in town, what one horse town do you live in? Health plan is plain crap, garbage, don't ever get sick,you'll pay doctor bills out the wazoo. Ins covers nothing. 401K, it's a joke with them. Company car, what are you smoking. Nobody gets a company car. Go work anywhere else other than rotech you'll be much better off. You can show your best side at Rotech and they'll just show you their ass is return. Rotech sucks a big one. If your thinking of working there run away fast. If you work there go find another job fast. Run away as fast as you can and as far away from Rotech as you can. Any other job you can find is better than working for Rotech. Believe me. Been there and done it.

Best job in town, what one horse town do you live in? Health plan is plain crap, garbage, don't ever get sick,you'll pay doctor bills out the wazoo. Ins covers nothing. 401K, it's a joke with them. Company car, what are you smoking. Nobody gets a company car. Go work anywhere else other than rotech you'll be much better off. You can show your best side at Rotech and they'll just show you their ass is return. Rotech sucks a big one. If your thinking of working there run away fast. If you work there go find another job fast. Run away as fast as you can and as far away from Rotech as you can. Any other job you can find is better than working for Rotech. Believe me. Been there and done it.

That's a mouth full and oh so true!

Best job in town, what one horse town do you live in? Health plan is plain crap, garbage, don't ever get sick,you'll pay doctor bills out the wazoo. Ins covers nothing. 401K, it's a joke with them. Company car, what are you smoking. Nobody gets a company car. Go work anywhere else other than rotech you'll be much better off. You can show your best side at Rotech and they'll just show you their ass is return. Rotech sucks a big one. If your thinking of working there run away fast. If you work there go find another job fast. Run away as fast as you can and as far away from Rotech as you can. Any other job you can find is better than working for Rotech. Believe me. Been there and done it.

You poor misguided soul.
My experience with Rotech (as an LCM) is just as I said, and what I'm smoking is immaterial to this conversation.

Look- All I can attest to is how they've treated me. If you act and behave a certain way, you're sure to look golden in management's eyes.
Has absolutely nothing to do with how profitable your location is, nor how many employees come and go.
What matters in the end is TOWING THE COMPANY LINE.

The sooner you understand this, the sooner I can head out to lunch.

Best job in town, what one horse town do you live in? Health plan is plain crap, garbage, don't ever get sick,you'll pay doctor bills out the wazoo. Ins covers nothing. 401K, it's a joke with them. Company car, what are you smoking. Nobody gets a company car. Go work anywhere else other than rotech you'll be much better off. You can show your best side at Rotech and they'll just show you their ass is return. Rotech sucks a big one. If your thinking of working there run away fast. If you work there go find another job fast. Run away as fast as you can and as far away from Rotech as you can. Any other job you can find is better than working for Rotech. Believe me. Been there and done it.
Since there's Amish around here, I'd hardly say this is a 1 horse town.
And what I'm smoking is immaterial to this conversation.
Everything I said is true.
Life is Good.

You're right. Rotech is about the best job here in town, and I'm sticking with it.
Health plan, 401K, company car, and hire who I want, when I want.
One suggestion.
Get to know the mods here on a first name basis and show your best side!
Rotech Forever!

And let me you are going to tell us you get to wash this "company car" at the softball I close? LOL

And let me you are going to tell us you get to wash this "company car" at the softball I close? LOL

Now why would I wash a "company" vehicle?
If it get's too dirty I just slap on another respironics or invacare sticker.

It's my own car I worry about getting soiled. That's why it's so important for me to have the little S-10 pickup to use during working hours.

It appears many are jealous of my designated company ride.
Too bad!

Now why would I wash a "company" vehicle?
If it get's too dirty I just slap on another respironics or invacare sticker.

It's my own car I worry about getting soiled. That's why it's so important for me to have the little S-10 pickup to use during working hours.

It appears many are jealous of my designated company ride.
Too bad!

Ahhhhhh there you go. It really is rather hard of you to NOT come back into your usual character.
Let me guess you "work" in that little W-PA town where they pull a rodent out of the ground every February?

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