Short Term Disability Limbo

If you went on STD after Dec 2 or notification, you cannot collect past Feb 7 which means no matter what disease, ailment, stroke, etc, the company will not pay STD beyond Feb 7. If you are permanently disabled, the best you can get is Social Security Disability Income which takes a long time no matter if you paid for disability insurance or not. A great way to treat employees with TRUE disabilities eh?

This is absolutely wrong. I am on LTD. If you medically qualify, you will go onto LTD after 6 months of STD. You will get 6 months of STD and will also be eligible for your annual bonus/stock etc. as this happens usu. in March. Metlife will review your case and if you qualify medically you will get LTD until retirement age. This is all spelled out in the disability publication available to you by HR. Social Security disability took less than 3 weeks to have approved and just lessens the load on Metlife. You still receive the full 50 or 67% of your base pay plus last year's bonus.

This is absolutely wrong. I am on LTD. If you medically qualify, you will go onto LTD after 6 months of STD. You will get 6 months of STD and will also be eligible for your annual bonus/stock etc. as this happens usu. in March. Metlife will review your case and if you qualify medically you will get LTD until retirement age. This is all spelled out in the disability publication available to you by HR. Social Security disability took less than 3 weeks to have approved and just lessens the load on Metlife. You still receive the full 50 or 67% of your base pay plus last year's bonus.

LTD til retirement age? or 2 years? How closely are they looking at these claims? Any fakers collecting?

LTD til retirement age? or 2 years? How closely are they looking at these claims? Any fakers collecting?

OH YEAH ....TONS of Fakers !
They call themselves 'managment' & they have been
been collecting HUNDREDS of MILLIONS with incompetent direction,
gender discrimination, age discrimination , bungled launched
off lable selling & a host of other catastrophies.
They've cost NVS shareholders BILLIONS !!!!
who can they be reported to ???

OH YEAH ....TONS of Fakers !
They call themselves 'managment' & they have been
been collecting HUNDREDS of MILLIONS with incompetent direction,
gender discrimination, age discrimination , bungled launched
off lable selling & a host of other catastrophies.
They've cost NVS shareholders BILLIONS !!!!
who can they be reported to ???

metlife has a fraud hotline
they will investigate anything reported
you can give them info anonymously