Shocking to see that Sun ...

this is disappointing; however isn’t this the first time launching a biologic? The derm job sounded pretty good. High base and bonus. Understandably late to market in a crowded field but looks like the management for this division is all new. Thoughts?

this is disappointing; however isn’t this the first time launching a biologic? The derm job sounded pretty good. High base and bonus. Understandably late to market in a crowded field but looks like the management for this division is all new. Thoughts?

Doesn’t matter that it is first biologic launch or that it’s a new division. That doesn’t change that it is an Indian generic company and they have no idea what they are doing and do not listen to the people they hired. They are cheap and play dirty and do not value employees or care about doing the right thing for patients. Oh and as a bonus they tolerate sexual harassment and hostile work environment.

Dilip has specifically said 'we will do things here the way we do them in India, and if you're not good with that, leave'.

There are/were some good people at Sun who know the US market. But their numbers have dwindled because of the Indian generic business mindset, plus the horrible culture. Dilip and Abhay are not open - they know how to be successful in the US.

So they think.

Dilip has specifically said 'we will do things here the way we do them in India, and if you're not good with that, leave'.

There are/were some good people at Sun who know the US market. But their numbers have dwindled because of the Indian generic business mindset, plus the horrible culture. Dilip and Abhay are not open - they know how to be successful in the US.

So they think.

Dilip will end up losing his ass over the US market. He will go down with the ship. The launch of Tildra will fail and he will be forced to sell off the US branded business. He will go down as a total failure. You can't win in US with the culture of sexual harrassment and a hostile work environment. That might work in India but not here. If you have any conscience at all you will leave this God forsaken place.

Doesn’t matter that it is first biologic launch or that it’s a new division. That doesn’t change that it is an Indian generic company and they have no idea what they are doing and do not listen to the people they hired. They are cheap and play dirty and do not value employees or care about doing the right thing for patients. Oh and as a bonus they tolerate sexual harassment and hostile work environment.

This is true.

Doesn’t matter that it is first biologic launch or that it’s a new division. That doesn’t change that it is an Indian generic company and they have no idea what they are doing and do not listen to the people they hired. They are cheap and play dirty and do not value employees or care about doing the right thing for patients. Oh and as a bonus they tolerate sexual harassment and hostile work environment.

I'm two years with Sun in another division making low 80s on the base as a top performer.

If 125k base is real, people are going to be pissed.

And don't give me this 'biologics' schtik.

low 80s sounds about right depending on your division and experience. Certain specialty divisions will start you in the low 100s if you have a good number of years/experience ( this goes for just about all pharma). I would gladly take a pay cut to be somewhere else. No amount of money is good if you are miserable.

has anyone seen the SUN propaganda on LinkedIn ?

There's a 'professionally made' graphic that Shaylala ? or some name like who has posted a slide which speaks to SUN and how they value employees and patients ! False and misleading advertising I say.

Then there's the NSD for Tildra posting welcome notes to her new DM, really ? This wreaks of home office 'damage control'

You are giving the masterminds of SUN too much credit. Trust that there is no inner working plan to use LinkedIn for internal propaganda. It is just the usual female DM kissing the ass of the Regional manager. Life as it is.