Shock claim: Gardasil made my daughter retarded, says Bachman.

This really isn't about whether or not "B" caused "A"'s about getting the government out of our hair when it comes to decisions that PARENTS should make....and THAT was Bachman's primary message. And as far as the Tea Partiers go, they are just Constitution loving conservatives who want to take their country back....something you liberals are too dense to understand. And they will succeed! NOBAMA in 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wrong, the OP was about Michelle "The TEA Queen" insinuating that Gardisil caused mental retardation in a patient. Reasonable people can disagree about government involvement. Only a hysterical TEA party nut would promote unscientific and unsubstantiated assertions that a vaccine causes mental retardation.

If your candidate is Rick "Social Security is unconstitutional" Perry, Obama WILL be back. GO RICK GO! As bad as things are, there is still not a poll that has Rick Perry even close to Obama! I wonder why?

Obamacare....did all of the senators and Congress people get the HPV vaccine 2 years ago?
Talk about mental retardation.....

Why did Obama push through an unpopular healthcare bill, even though the polls are against him? He knows that we, the American public, have gotten all mixed up listening to TalkRadio and watching FoxNews, and that all he has to do is, get out there, and calmly explain that he knows what is best for us (yes, Dr. Obama with his extensive understanding of the medical profession), and we will get it. It does not occur to him that he is wrong; he simply thinks that his messaging is off and/or there is this vast right wing conspiracy out there trying to unseat him. Nancy P. gave all the dems HPV vaccine and then they voted for this AWEFUL bill.

What does Obamacare have to do with HPV or Gradisil. Stick to the subject please!

Don't think you can compare measles to HPV. And if pharma comes up with 30 different vaccinations, does that mean children should receive all of them? When does it end?

If the disease can be spread like measle, mumps, small pox etc, then government should definately mandate innoculation, PERIOD! As for Gardasil, hey If you are stupid enough to think that your 11 year old daughter is going to say "Hey, I'd better be abstinent because I didnt get my Garadisil", well thats on you and her! That logic is so stupid, as few children know their vaccine history, in fact probably NONE! Few, if any women reading these posts were virgins when they married, and the likelihood that your daughters will be are very small. Not getting your child a harmless vaccine against a deadly disease is simply irrational!

Bachmann's message is simple: don't have sex, no HPV.

Her message on the OP was, get HPV vaccine, turn retarded. This of course shows her stupidity. I get it michelle, all you have to do is hope that your daughter becomes a nun and never has sex ever. This will assure no HPV, and no cervical cancer. I got it now! How intellectual! How enlightened! How realistic!

Don't think you can compare measles to HPV. And if pharma comes up with 30 different vaccinations, does that mean children should receive all of them? When does it end?

Why? Because one is a STD and one is not? Yes measles is primarily a childhood disease. HPV is primarily an adult or adolescent disease. Both cause death, and both are preventable.

If the disease can be spread like measle, mumps, small pox etc, then government should definately mandate innoculation, PERIOD! As for Gardasil, hey If you are stupid enough to think that your 11 year old daughter is going to say "Hey, I'd better be abstinent because I didnt get my Garadisil", well thats on you and her! That logic is so stupid, as few children know their vaccine history, in fact probably NONE! Few, if any women reading these posts were virgins when they married, and the likelihood that your daughters will be are very small. Not getting your child a harmless vaccine against a deadly disease is simply irrational!


If the disease can be spread like measle, mumps, small pox etc, then government should definately mandate innoculation, PERIOD! As for Gardasil, hey If you are stupid enough to think that your 11 year old daughter is going to say "Hey, I'd better be abstinent because I didnt get my Garadisil", well thats on you and her! That logic is so stupid, as few children know their vaccine history, in fact probably NONE! Few, if any women reading these posts were virgins when they married, and the likelihood that your daughters will be are very small. Not getting your child a harmless vaccine against a deadly disease is simply irrational!

Pretty sad that an 11 year old girl is a candidate for HPV infection. What does that say about our society? If anyone should be mandated the Gardasil vaccine, it should be the BOYS! They are the ones spreading the disease. But, as always, when it comes to sex, the burden falls on the females...

Why? Because one is a STD and one is not? Yes measles is primarily a childhood disease. HPV is primarily an adult or adolescent disease. Both cause death, and both are preventable.

Contracting HPV has to do with lifestyle...parents are responsible for the lifestyle they instill in their children....and should therefore be the ones to decide about Gardasil.....and that decision can become the child's, once the child reaches age 18....which, BTW, should be the very minimum age to become sexually active.

50 year old virgin here. This shot should be by choice! Why should I inject my body with something like this? When Im ready to give myself away I'll be sure everyone is clean and protected.

I will feel the same way when I have my babies.:)

Wrong, the OP was about Michelle "The TEA Queen" insinuating that Gardisil caused mental retardation in a patient. Reasonable people can disagree about government involvement. Only a hysterical TEA party nut would promote unscientific and unsubstantiated assertions that a vaccine causes mental retardation.

If your candidate is Rick "Social Security is unconstitutional" Perry, Obama WILL be back. GO RICK GO! As bad as things are, there is still not a poll that has Rick Perry even close to Obama! I wonder why?

Look it up and do the research. Side effects do exist and they can vary from person to person. She commented on someone who approached her. I dont see it as hysterical at all. See her as standing up for having a say over what you want to do with your health and that of your child. This is not childhood disease. Its generally based on choices. Get a PAP regularly and you'll find cellular changes early. Dont agree with Perry's action, but he might simply have been well meaning but ignorant of facts and sentiments of most people.

As far as Obama.....he will lose by a landslide. His incompetence is incredible. Even staunch Democrats are now jumping ship...

Michele Bachmann Correct to Criticize Gardasil Mandate, Doctors Say
By Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)
Last modified: 2011-09-14T19:24:07Z
Published: Wednesday, Sep. 14, 2011 - 12:24 pm

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TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 14, 2011 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In Monday's presidential debate, Representative Michele Bachmann properly stood up for the rights of patients and their parents to reject government-mandated vaccination, despite the knee-jerk critical reaction by those who unquestioningly support all government mandates for immunizations.

The crony capitalism that exists between drug companies, lobbyists, and politicians should be exposed. Elected officials should be held accountable for forcing schoolchildren to take risks in order to boost drug company profits.

Without adequate testing but with well-placed political funding and lobbyists, Merck pushed for requiring that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil, be given to young schoolgirls as a condition for entering sixth grade. But the disease it supposedly protects against is not even contagious in the school environment.

"There was no public health justification for requiring this to attend school," states Jane M. Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

A researcher for the HPV vaccine was even critical of its use without more complete warnings. She pointed out that the data available for the vaccine showed it might last only five years, while most of the recipients of the vaccine would not even encounter the disease during that period. Those who do not engage in promiscuous sex would never encounter the disease at all, unless given to them by a promiscuous partner.

Dr. Jon Abramson, a member of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, declared that "I told Merck my personal opinion that it shouldn't be mandated. And they heard it from other committee members."

There have been serious harms from the HPV vaccine, causing tragedy for patients who did not receive meaningful disclosures about its risks.

Then there is the expense: this HPV vaccine costs hundreds of dollars for something that most of the recipients do not even need protection against. If given to 4 million schoolchildren entering schools nationwide, that's a multi-billion dollar expense just for the cost of the vaccine, and many billions more for those who suffer adverse effects. Incidentally, a government mandate for the vaccine immunizes the manufacturer from liability.

We applaud Representative Bachmann for standing up for patients, and for parents. She repeated one parent's statement that the vaccine apparently caused cognitive problems in her child, and no one has disproven that possibility. We need to hear more, not less, about parents' and patients' experiences with these vaccines, so that they can weigh the risks and benefits for themselves. Vaccines, like all medical treatments, should be given only with fully informed consent.

Children who are not a risk to others should not be barred from attending school, nor should their parents be subjected to onerous opt-out procedures in order to exercise their rights.

AAPS, a national organization representing physicians in all specialties, ( was founded in 1943 to defend the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship.

SOURCE Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

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Her message on the OP was, get HPV vaccine, turn retarded. This of course shows her stupidity. I get it michelle, all you have to do is hope that your daughter becomes a nun and never has sex ever. This will assure no HPV, and no cervical cancer. I got it now! How intellectual! How enlightened! How realistic!
It's a shame that her daughter is retarded but you can't blame Gardasil for bad genes and her claim is certainly retarded as well! We can't elect folks that are this dumb and after all she was just trying to make Perry look bad cause he had the foresight and guts to say lets stop cervical cancer in Texas! Religious 'nuts' should never try to do science or even make comments that associate with science..After all their 'earth' is still the center of the universe!

50 year old virgin here. This shot should be by choice! Why should I inject my body with something like this? When Im ready to give myself away I'll be sure everyone is clean and protected.

I will feel the same way when I have my babies.:)

Anal & oral is still sex. It doesn't always mean vaginal granny.

Pretty sad that an 11 year old girl is a candidate for HPV infection. What does that say about our society? If anyone should be mandated the Gardasil vaccine, it should be the BOYS! They are the ones spreading the disease. But, as always, when it comes to sex, the burden falls on the females...

Duh! The age of eleven is not chosen as a suggestion that 11 year old girls will be having sex. It is chosen because there is a window in age where the vaccine is most effectively inoculates the person. Duh!

Contracting HPV has to do with lifestyle...parents are responsible for the lifestyle they instill in their children....and should therefore be the ones to decide about Gardasil.....and that decision can become the child's, once the child reaches age 18....which, BTW, should be the very minimum age to become sexually active.

Why are you TEA party types so stubbornly relating Grdasil to permission to have sex? Its just plain stupid. You get innoculated now, so that when you do start having sex "at 18" your rsik of contracting a deadly disease is diminished.

Pretty sad that an 11 year old girl is a candidate for HPV infection. What does that say about our society? If anyone should be mandated the Gardasil vaccine, it should be the BOYS! They are the ones spreading the disease. But, as always, when it comes to sex, the burden falls on the females...

DEar Gloria Allred. Gardisal helps prevent Cervical cancer! One must have a Cervix in order to get cervical cancer! Boys do not have a cervix! Thus boys do not get cervical cancer! THINK PEOPLE, THINK!

Look it up and do the research. Side effects do exist and they can vary from person to person. She commented on someone who approached her. I dont see it as hysterical at all. See her as standing up for having a say over what you want to do with your health and that of your child. This is not childhood disease. Its generally based on choices. Get a PAP regularly and you'll find cellular changes early. Dont agree with Perry's action, but he might simply have been well meaning but ignorant of facts and sentiments of most people.

As far as Obama.....he will lose by a landslide. His incompetence is incredible. Even staunch Democrats are now jumping ship...

What poll have you seen suggesting that he will lose at all? I am also a republican, but if the fruit cake wing of the party wins the nomination, we DO NOT STAND A CHANCE! Translation TEA party freaks are a large but vocal and active minority! They will influence the the nomination, but the by product will be an unelectable yahoo like rick perry or michelle bachmann. Did you see the TEA party debate on CNN whee a question was asked about what to do with a "man that had no insurance but was in a coma.?" Those TEA party nuts were screaming out, and insisting that we should just let him die. Well that is YOUR TEA party. Not a single candidate objected! The conundrum that my party has is that as you cater to the right wing nuts, you lose any chance of capturing the independent. In a one on one election vs perry, obama will simply destroy him. Can you imagine the following in a debate. "Well Mr. President, your stimulous package produced NOT ONE JOB." Reply from Obama, and confirmed by moderator "Well not exactly, the independent CBO, and moodys, and S&P, etc all said that the stimulus in 2009 is responsible for upto 2.9 million jobs". Rick perry response: OH!

You see, eventually, the rhetorical reactions of the TEA party right will ultimately have to move emotional hysterics, to just plain old facts. Saying silly things like "obama made the economy worse" for example, has no objective basis in fact, PERIOD! Thats why romney stopped saying it. Republicans must make this a fact based debate, Dear GOD, please let Romney win the nomination, so that we can have a sane candidate.

DEar Gloria Allred. Gardisal helps prevent Cervical cancer! One must have a Cervix in order to get cervical cancer! Boys do not have a cervix! Thus boys do not get cervical cancer! THINK PEOPLE, THINK!

You are the one who needs to think! If a male is not carrying the HPV virus, the female does not get infected. I've discussed this with a I know what I am talking about. You, on the other hand, are totally clueless! Must be a liberal democrat (no other explanation).