Shock claim: Gardasil made my daughter retarded, says Bachman.

* Clinical/Scientific Notes


1. B. Wildemann, MD,
2. S. Jarius, MD,
3. M. Hartmann, MD,
4. J. U. Regula, MD and
5. C. Hametner, MD

From the Divisions of Molecular Neuroimmunology (B.W., S.J., J.U.R., C.H.) and Neuroradiology (M.H.), Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Prof. Dr. Brigitte Wildemann, Division of Molecular Neuroimmunology, Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany;

We report a case of severe encephalitis evolving shortly after administration of a new vaccine against human papilloma virus (HPV) recently approved for the prevention of diseases caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18.


We describe a case of recurrent ADEM after HPV vaccination.
Case- 18 y female who developed fever and right side hemiparesis 1 week after HPV vaccination. CT, MRI, CSF was obtained. The patient was diagnosed
with ADEM received IV Solumedrol for 3 days and symptoms signifi cantly improved. Six weeks later the patient developed left sided hemiparesis and cranial
nerve dysfunction. Again, treatment was initiated with IV Solumedrol. Improvement of symptoms occurred.
Discrimination between the ADEM and MS can be diffi cult, the diagnosis remains clinical and radiological.
HPV vaccination needs to be considered as the etiology of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

* Clinical/Scientific Notes


1. B. Wildemann, MD,
2. S. Jarius, MD,
3. M. Hartmann, MD,
4. J. U. Regula, MD and
5. C. Hametner, MD

From the Divisions of Molecular Neuroimmunology (B.W., S.J., J.U.R., C.H.) and Neuroradiology (M.H.), Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Prof. Dr. Brigitte Wildemann, Division of Molecular Neuroimmunology, Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany;

We report a case of severe encephalitis evolving shortly after administration of a new vaccine against human papilloma virus (HPV) recently approved for the prevention of diseases caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18.

Whats the point:

a- Woman got sick 28 days after 2nd shot of Gardisil, there was no indication that the drug had anything to do with this. Also, the Queen of TEA states the drug caused mental retardation. It appears that most TEA party folks are retarded, gardisil or not.

* Clinical/Scientific Notes


1. B. Wildemann, MD,
2. S. Jarius, MD,
3. M. Hartmann, MD,
4. J. U. Regula, MD and
5. C. Hametner, MD

From the Divisions of Molecular Neuroimmunology (B.W., S.J., J.U.R., C.H.) and Neuroradiology (M.H.), Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Prof. Dr. Brigitte Wildemann, Division of Molecular Neuroimmunology, Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany;

We report a case of severe encephalitis evolving shortly after administration of a new vaccine against human papilloma virus (HPV) recently approved for the prevention of diseases caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18.

Millions innoculated, with a handful "MAYBE" of these types of side effects. As we all know, all drugs have side effects, and will harm a few people. Millions of lives saved, vs a handful of side effects? Well, I;ll take those odds every day. We all do, everytime we take a drug for our headaches.

CNS demyelination and quadrivalent HPV vaccination.

Hi Michelle, FYI. Sometimes "B" follows "A", but "B" doesn't necessarily case "A". I know this is hard for you to wrap your TEA bag filled arms around, but just take a few minutes to think about it. Maybe, if you can find one of of tri-cornered hat wearing friend with a few teeth still left in their mouth, they can explain it to you.

This really isn't about whether or not "B" caused "A"'s about getting the government out of our hair when it comes to decisions that PARENTS should make....and THAT was Bachman's primary message. And as far as the Tea Partiers go, they are just Constitution loving conservatives who want to take their country back....something you liberals are too dense to understand. And they will succeed! NOBAMA in 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Millions innoculated, with a handful "MAYBE" of these types of side effects. As we all know, all drugs have side effects, and will harm a few people. Millions of lives saved, vs a handful of side effects? Well, I;ll take those odds every day. We all do, everytime we take a drug for our headaches.

Vaccinate Michelle Bachman- maybe it will unretard her

This really isn't about whether or not "B" caused "A"'s about getting the government out of our hair when it comes to decisions that PARENTS should make....and THAT was Bachman's primary message. And as far as the Tea Partiers go, they are just Constitution loving conservatives who want to take their country back....something you liberals are too dense to understand. And they will succeed! NOBAMA in 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as governmental intrusions, the last time I looked, we had not had any deaths from measles the last few years despite record numbers of cases (granted severely decreased numbers when compared to the pre-vaccine era) something England cannot claim due to Wakefield's chicanery. We can count polio cases on a hand and have fingers left over. Is this not worth it by letting the government in our hair? The reason many parents who refuse vaccines do so is because of herd immunity the chances of their precious kids getting vaccine-preventable diseases are almost nil. Stop vaccinating and there will be bills we cannot afford to pay. Several epidemics in the mid-west have been in non-vaccinating communities with hospitalizations resulting from measles. Again, luckily no deaths but that is just a matter of time here. One death is one too many.

simple: Gardasil is a safe product. There are side effects but nothing major.
If it is contaminated there could be issues. Don't mix the two up. There was 100% positive contamination on 13 samples from different lots. That is the issue and what the FDA is looking into.
Could people be harmed with contaminated Gardasil? Most defiantly.
To what degree? That is up in the air right now but the potential is there.

Obamacare....did all of the senators and Congress people get the HPV vaccine 2 years ago?
Talk about mental retardation.....

Why did Obama push through an unpopular healthcare bill, even though the polls are against him? He knows that we, the American public, have gotten all mixed up listening to TalkRadio and watching FoxNews, and that all he has to do is, get out there, and calmly explain that he knows what is best for us (yes, Dr. Obama with his extensive understanding of the medical profession), and we will get it. It does not occur to him that he is wrong; he simply thinks that his messaging is off and/or there is this vast right wing conspiracy out there trying to unseat him. Nancy P. gave all the dems HPV vaccine and then they voted for this AWEFUL bill.

don't mock crappy healthcare bill. Mercks plan is that every retired person goes on it and it will take away that liability from them. Every big company is pushing for it. I hope it goes away.

As far as governmental intrusions, the last time I looked, we had not had any deaths from measles the last few years despite record numbers of cases (granted severely decreased numbers when compared to the pre-vaccine era) something England cannot claim due to Wakefield's chicanery. We can count polio cases on a hand and have fingers left over. Is this not worth it by letting the government in our hair? The reason many parents who refuse vaccines do so is because of herd immunity the chances of their precious kids getting vaccine-preventable diseases are almost nil. Stop vaccinating and there will be bills we cannot afford to pay. Several epidemics in the mid-west have been in non-vaccinating communities with hospitalizations resulting from measles. Again, luckily no deaths but that is just a matter of time here. One death is one too many.

Don't think you can compare measles to HPV. And if pharma comes up with 30 different vaccinations, does that mean children should receive all of them? When does it end?