Manheim Pa doc Who is a crippled ho mo draft dodger
So you are not currently employed my FMC? Got It.
Basically on a warpath, and not at all concerned with fall out hurting innocent employees, patients, and clients.
Basically, like Trump, wanting to Nuke North Korea, because Supreme Leader called him a DOTARD.
No empathy for millions in the blast radius, as long as you get your guy or gal.
Very adult of you. Carry on.
Many of the top tier reps knew how Quest operated but that is the old Quest.
Sal still in management and is working hard for us
We need to try it .
The beautiful drug rep and urgent care team
Big insurance list, drivers billing etc.
The service reps will make more
The bonus plan to retain business
This is a great deal for all who work hard
The people who have other jobs like Greasy need to move on
The people who continue to have problems with addictions move on
The mommy and me crew need to leave the house by 830 and use their tablet the correct way
The people who relied on the expense report for reimbursement realize that will no longer exist
Many of the top tier reps knew how Quest operated but that is the old Quest.
Sal still in management and is working hard for us
We need to try it .
The beautiful drug rep and urgent care team
Big insurance list, drivers billing etc.
The service reps will make more
The bonus plan to retain business
This is a great deal for all who work hard
The people who have other jobs like Greasy need to move on
The people who continue to have problems with addictions move on
The mommy and me crew need to leave the house by 830 and use their tablet the correct way
The people who relied on the expense report for reimbursement realize that will no longer exist
I wish you luck
Think it out since the 1 year non-compete will be enforced.
Bio-Reference, Sunrise, Enzo and Northwell do not pay
Lenco, Quality, Accurate, Accu Reference, Empire, Dart, Sherman Abrahams, Acupath etc ????????
Stay and try it
My fellow co worker's who were not offered a position and were told to apply need to get the resume out and try to land a job this month since many labs are looking but now have a large pool of talent to choose from. Enough of the false hope. If they wanted you, you would not be in the current position.
Good luck
I am someone who was terminated.
good bye Neil
much more money in skin testing
I wish you luck
Think it out since the 1 year non-compete will be enforced.
Bio-Reference, Sunrise, Enzo and Northwell do not pay
Lenco, Quality, Accurate, Accu Reference, Empire, Dart, Sherman Abrahams, Acupath etc ????????
Stay and try it
Going out on a chartered fishing boat this morning. I needed to relax and think clearly. I cannot believe that Sal was able to get the sale's people a great deal from Quest. Then, I think of this past year, the amount of money we made with the freedom we had. I understand now things will change and do I stay? I also have been pondering for some time the investigation and is it the correct time to leave and make a fresh start at a new spot or just retire and become the teacher I always wanted to be. I got to keep my business due to personal service that I offered to my customers. I will no longer be able to do. The counting of butterfly needles versus calling Angel and telling him to send out 6 boxes. It will be a challenge. I need to think long and hard.
Thank you Sal
People will continue to look at this thread because nerves will once again start to flare up. It really isn't over.
I can see the reality is starting to set in with winners and losers.We all need to get along and move on from the situation. I feel for all past and present employees. Realize, accept and move on. The life you lead will take you to where YOU want to go. This is truly a win situation for whoever takes the offer.I know all of us have investigated other labs and they are not offering anything special. They are also aware of the situation from last november. We have Sal ,Jim who did a great job and we have Kevin and Cathy on our side.I think everyone should give a GREAT LAB like Quest a chance. It may not be for everyone. The majority should stay. Time for the Gym. Jim thanks for the support. Sal thanks for watching out for our best interest.Finally thanks for a great year.
Not all points are accurate. But yes warpath is a good word. Unfortunately, innocent people have been hurt by you and others, now it is your turn. Don't act like you give a shit about anyone. Enjoy your weekend.
Are you currently employed? If yes. Curious to know in what type of occupation?
Brosef. I do not know who you believe you are addressing.
I get it. It's anonymous.....
But i have never 'hurt' any of my clients or colleagues. Directly in Indirectly. I sleep peacefully. My colleagues respect me.
I mind that you keep posting, as there may be fallout as clients and family may read these threads. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to stop you. I will choose to ignore, as I have for the past few months.
I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.