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50 x 7 = 350 x 3 =1050. divided by ______ = almost 18.

How did you do it?

1500 views today and no one can figure this math problem

Ass Puppet#2 you have no clue

How is the summer going?

Erica no idea?

Murphy you have no idea either?

What about Etya, Chris George or Teddy

Maybe I.T. Crew

You need to be creative to get to the answer

Surprised they never found that when NW was fired, Phil had him paid under the table by another rep so he wouldn't take his business elsewhere. Then 6 months later he comes back to work. How does Phil get away with that?

It is scary how many dumb people still are working here

Most if not all are banking on Sal getting is own lab

A word to the wise IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN

He does think out of the box

Maybe another friend or family member will risk everything to help him

You must admit this site is great

Remember all propaganda

But if you went back to page 6 from years ago I am sure most intelligent people realize it was all the truth.

There has to be a Grand Finale?

No stress at all for anyone. Nothing to worry about either. Everything is fine.

If this is someone from within the company you need to stop!
To say nothing is going on, or everything is fine is absurd.
If everything was fine, you would not have an ongoing investigation with people being questioned constantly.
People are about to break!

If this is someone from within the company you need to stop!
To say nothing is going on, or everything is fine is absurd.
If everything was fine, you would not have an ongoing investigation with people being questioned constantly.
People are about to break! are quoting a sarcastic statement. And yes,he does work for the company and everyone knows who he is.

Why do we try to guess who is posting?
Why do we try to figure out the reason they are posting
Why do we think we have all the answers but the truth
Why do we continue to get people aggravated
Why can we just shut up

The answer


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