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Your noncompete would hold up because they paid you.

And when Quest does buy you, what shit hole lab are you bringing samples to?

There isn't a lab that can digest the BS and shady dealings.

The stress level is unbelievable since a lot of negative news continues to come out from all different areas.
This latest news from a operation mgr with 25 plus years with Spectra/Shiel is not good.Once again the selfish greedy pigs of Shiel get a person aggravated and he decides to make a report.Why?Because you decided to make is life miserable when he loved his job and the company and was trying to wait to retire instead of being forced out.

The management team was lost and never knew what they were getting into.

Just to let everyone know what a piece of shit company you work for, Lloyd Castillo is claiming wrogful termination.

Did Spectra put out a memo stating that Lloyd was retiring. This example should clear up any misconceptions. This company does not give a shit about you and they are willing to bend the story and lie. Folks, it can not be taken any other way, they lied!

Sheryl Morgan, do me a big favor Go Fuck Yourself.

If Quest does buy Shiel, will they keep all the reps?

Steve, Sal, Kevin, David, Neil, Gluck, Roger, Cormac, Erica, Etya, Frank, George, Michael, Teddy, Olga, Kim, Georgia, Ann, Dr. Romano..

They never did anything wrong and knew nothing. After all, only one rep was responsible for all the problems in this company. And he was fired and reported to the authorities.

If history repeats, the answer is yes. When many of these same folks were at CDS, Quest took them all in unless they had previously worked at Quest and had been fired for cause. Of course that is a long time ago and different players making decisions at Quest.

Just to let everyone know what a piece of shit company you work for, Lloyd Castillo is claiming wrogful termination.

Did Spectra put out a memo stating that Lloyd was retiring. This example should clear up any misconceptions. This company does not give a shit about you and they are willing to bend the story and lie. Folks, it can not be taken any other way, they lied!

Sheryl Morgan, do me a big favor Go Fuck Yourself.

Why would anyone have a misconception that the company cares about them? We all know they do not. It is about what is most applicable to the current situation. Dr Kashani and Chinu also decided to leave, both because somebody else needed to be appeased. There are more employees lower down the chain that are no longer here, from Shiel and Spectra alike, not necessarily because they quit or because they were not doing their jobs, but rather because it was opportunistic to allow them or "persuade" them to go. The company does not care about any of us, we know that, it is just easier to stay.

The party is just starting and the fun will begin

To much bs

BN told you for now He is a smart man

I guess he saw enough and gave his report to the real management in Mass.

If Quest does buy Shiel, will they keep all the reps?

Steve, Sal, Kevin, David, Neil, Gluck, Roger, Cormac, Erica, Etya, Frank, George, Michael, Teddy, Olga, Kim, Georgia, Ann, Dr. Romano..

They never did anything wrong and knew nothing. After all, only one rep was responsible for all the problems in this company. And he was fired and reported to the authorities.


Why would anyone have a misconception that the company cares about them? We all know they do not. It is about what is most applicable to the current situation. Dr Kashani and Chinu also decided to leave, both because somebody else needed to be appeased. There are more employees lower down the chain that are no longer here, from Shiel and Spectra alike, not necessarily because they quit or because they were not doing their jobs, but rather because it was opportunistic to allow them or "persuade" them to go. The company does not care about any of us, we know that, it is just easier to stay.

Well written. But easier to stay? Are we not at the point where change might be more advantageous? The environment is no longer optimum. The service levels are continuing to disintegrate. We have between 20 and 25 % of total volume is being sent out. Fresenius must be getting killed. The send out bill coukd be appriaching $10,000,000. Twenty thousand specimens per month, holy shit!

For Now, everyone is wondering what the hell is going on. Isnt obvious?

The guilitine is being sharpened.

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