Shepards Cream Lotion

I am a compounding pharmacist in Ohio and have a few customers ask us to make something similar to Shepards lotion. After many months of tweaking the formula, we have prepared a lotion that one of our patients says is identical to Shepards. It also contains sesame oil as a main ingredient. If you areinterested in trying some, please contact us for a free sample, so lang as you pay for the US mail shipping. Our compounding pharmacy is Buderer Drug Co. located at 633 Hancock St., Sandusky. Ohio 44870. You can look us up at or call us at 419-627-2800. Please ask for Jim or Matt.

Matthew J. Buderer, R.Ph., FIACP


I had called the Buderer Drug Co (A Compounding Pharmacy 1-800-259-6662) in Sandusky, Ohio. They sent me a sample of their Sesame Lotion and it feels like Shepards and my skin felt great. I have just called an ordered two of their 32 oz bottles, right now they are going for $17.99 for 8 oz bottle and $32.00 for 16 oz bottle with $7.00 S & H. I'm sure it is not the same exact lotion, but it sure feels great and I have been using Shepards since 1980.