I'd agree with that last comment. C'mon on, snap out of it you negative whining back stabbing shit heads. Since when don't reps have to room with other reps? Like the AP said, its rare in this industry that you don't have to share a room and only if you are a seriously senior rep, which there are NONE here. L-O-S-E-R-S!
No stupid, 6-7 yrs with a company doesn't grant you your own room. No, you are NOT deserving of your own room, just cause you had your hair straightened, teeth bleached or wear your suit out in the field very day. 95% of you are bunch of brats and until you've proved your sorry assess and stop yer bitchin, I hope you have to room with your stinkin selves every year. You are damn lucky they continue to tolerate you lazy assed snot nosed brats.
No stupid, 6-7 yrs with a company doesn't grant you your own room. No, you are NOT deserving of your own room, just cause you had your hair straightened, teeth bleached or wear your suit out in the field very day. 95% of you are bunch of brats and until you've proved your sorry assess and stop yer bitchin, I hope you have to room with your stinkin selves every year. You are damn lucky they continue to tolerate you lazy assed snot nosed brats.