Sharing rooms

I'd agree with that last comment. C'mon on, snap out of it you negative whining back stabbing shit heads. Since when don't reps have to room with other reps? Like the AP said, its rare in this industry that you don't have to share a room and only if you are a seriously senior rep, which there are NONE here. L-O-S-E-R-S!

No stupid, 6-7 yrs with a company doesn't grant you your own room. No, you are NOT deserving of your own room, just cause you had your hair straightened, teeth bleached or wear your suit out in the field very day. 95% of you are bunch of brats and until you've proved your sorry assess and stop yer bitchin, I hope you have to room with your stinkin selves every year. You are damn lucky they continue to tolerate you lazy assed snot nosed brats.

If I remember correctly, there haven't been many, if any, CP posts on RB reps having to share rooms. That's not the point. The main issue is that the Europeans were explicitely told not to disclose the fact that they were allowed their own rooms. Obviously upper level management realized how wrong it is to treat same level employees differently. I wonder what they felt when they told the Europeans not to mention this. How unprofessional it must have been for them to request that their new employees lie to their American counterparts. I like RB's core values but when I see them acting in the exact opposite of "honesty and integrity at all times" I too am shocked at how absurd they are. If you are going to respond by calling me and other posters 'spoiled/entitled/ungrateful brats,' save it, bitch! If they didn't think they were doing anything wrong they wouldn't have asked the Europeans to keep quiet. We are just pointing out the facts of what happened.

If I remember correctly, there haven't been many, if any, CP posts on RB reps having to share rooms. That's not the point. The main issue is that the Europeans were explicitely told not to disclose the fact that they were allowed their own rooms. Obviously upper level management realized how wrong it is to treat same level employees differently. I wonder what they felt when they told the Europeans not to mention this. How unprofessional it must have been for them to request that their new employees lie to their American counterparts. I like RB's core values but when I see them acting in the exact opposite of "honesty and integrity at all times" I too am shocked at how absurd they are. If you are going to respond by calling me and other posters 'spoiled/entitled/ungrateful brats,' save it, bitch! If they didn't think they were doing anything wrong they wouldn't have asked the Europeans to keep quiet. We are just pointing out the facts of what happened.


You share a room because you are from the USA. Its because the Americans make up for majority of the worlds buprenorphine profits, so you must share your wealth. "Robin Hood". Its the same reasons why we live a better lifestyle and you pay us. Just remember who runs the business, YES EUROPEANS!

You share a room because you are from the USA. Its because the Americans make up for majority of the worlds buprenorphine profits, so you must share your wealth. "Robin Hood". Its the same reasons why we live a better lifestyle and you pay us. Just remember who runs the business, YES EUROPEANS!

That is...the dumbest, most unbelievable statement I have ever heard. We don't "share our wealth" like you Euros...thus the good performers are paid well. I live a great lifestyle, aside from living on the coast of the Mediterranean...Don't forget, Euros, we dumb US folks sold enough Suboxone to fund you. It WOULD NOT have happened without us stupid Americans...WE run this business, b/c last I checked WE are still putting out profits while YOU are just getting started, let me see the US sales vs. the EU sales....DONE

Amen to that last comment, you entitled snot nosed brat worms whiners!! Take that you fools. They don't call you the Ugly American's for nothing.

We are entitled??? And again "worms" comes out...must be a Euro thing...Keep in mind, you Euros, that we "Ugly Americans" have financed your expansions into Europe...Keep calling us names, while we keep making $$$ for you to have jobs over there. Tell me, how are the EU sales doing against the US? Hell, I bet even in Suboxone's first year (2003) it made more than you will this year....and you call us ugly. Yeah, we're ugly, b/c we did the dirty work to make this medication a billion dollar drug....Yeah, we're just Ugly Americans.....who financed you Euros...keep y our 30 hour work weeks and mandatory month vacations, while we bust our asses for you....let's compare EU results to US results at year's end..after all, you've had Suboxone for over a year now......

The NJ R&D centre works on Dettol (non-US Lysol) research all the time. The Euros don't do s*** research about Lysol, the US equivalent of Dettol. Also, have you seen the number of views some of the CPharma posts are getting? Upwards of 3,000 or 1,000 here. Can't be all pharma (Richmond) people, eh? Euros might be trolling this board.

Halloween. This is perfectly scary and timely. Yea, right. Lets take a look at that claim up there. Just how many of you were with this company in 2003, 2004, 2005 or even 2006? Don't you find it a bit disingenuious to claim YOU launched this medication back then, skyrockted sales and are therefore entitled to recognition? I think not. Damn few and I'd say maybe a handful are left from that illustrious adventure. No, you didn't ramp up this meds sales to where its at. The groundwork was laid for you. All you had to do was call on the already qualified subscribers. You only have to go to the doc finder to see that there are hardly a lot of new prescribers on board, beyond the last 4 years. Yes fools, some of us know more than you do about who and where the prescribing took off and how and why, in spite of your egotistical little screechings. The hard work was already done for you. Now, shut your yaps and get back to work. Time to EARN what you've been braggin about. Oh and by the way, braggin makes you look like fools, no matter where you live. Its just not very impressive to go on an all out attach on Europeans here or anywhere. They launched this med first and you have no idea what their success rate was or any grounds on which to criticize or comment on their performance. ASSUMING that any of these comments above came from any Europeans is ASSININE, now isn't it?

Halloween. This is perfectly scary and timely. Yea, right. Lets take a look at that claim up there. Just how many of you were with this company in 2003, 2004, 2005 or even 2006? Don't you find it a bit disingenuious to claim YOU launched this medication back then, skyrockted sales and are therefore entitled to recognition? I think not. Damn few and I'd say maybe a handful are left from that illustrious adventure. No, you didn't ramp up this meds sales to where its at. The groundwork was laid for you. All you had to do was call on the already qualified subscribers. You only have to go to the doc finder to see that there are hardly a lot of new prescribers on board, beyond the last 4 years. Yes fools, some of us know more than you do about who and where the prescribing took off and how and why, in spite of your egotistical little screechings. The hard work was already done for you. Now, shut your yaps and get back to work. Time to EARN what you've been braggin about. Oh and by the way, braggin makes you look like fools, no matter where you live. Its just not very impressive to go on an all out attach on Europeans here or anywhere. They launched this med first and you have no idea what their success rate was or any grounds on which to criticize or comment on their performance. ASSUMING that any of these comments above came from any Europeans is ASSININE, now isn't it?

well some of us on here HAVE been around since the "feather brochure" days (if you get that you've been here a while) and have built their territories from nothing. you are right that most CLs from the old days are gone...but a few of us remain. And you are also right that plenty of CLs walked into great territories and merely had to maintain the status quo. But there are still a few of us that remember cold calling, getting doors slammed in our faces figuratively and literally, spending entire Saturdays at those lame certification we are damn well entitled to talk back to the Euros...especially when the first time they tried to launch Bupe it was a miserable failure...why do you think SP/Merck basically GAVE it back to us? B/C Europe's addiction treatment model is basically "here's a clean needle, don't get Hep C"

Come on now, this is really getting stupid here. It would seem that everybody, Europeans and American's alike can lay claim to having worked very hard to get this medication out to those who need it. Seriously, what is up with the mud slinging? Can't we all just get along? Chill out, have a few beers and get yourselves outside for some R&R.

I think people need to let go of the room mate issue in Barcelonana. NONE of us enjoyed room sharing. We wont have to worry about sharing rooms at future meetings if sales of film dont continue to to increase. You cant really think they will keep us arond much longer. Astra Zeneca just let 400 field people go becasue of looming generics.
Focus should be on resume updates rather than complaining about the long lines we endured during check in at a meeting.

I love smelling my roomates farts! Also, it's great when you run to your room for a quick dump, and your roomate has beaten you there. Damn Mexican food

Oh, its you again. Thank you M. Polo, for your ongoing lackluster and less than intelligent ramblings. God, your poor wife must just drool her way to sleep during your pontifications. Damn your genepool had to have been infected with something hideous. Maybe you should have spent your time in the lab studying how to prevent passing that on to your offspring. Sterilization, its what should be for dinner for the likes of you.

if only you guys worked for the mucinex side. thats whats carrying rb.

comparing an OTC product available in every pharmacy/supermarket across the country to a niche addiction product that is a Schedule 3 controlled substance which requires physicians to be trained to prescribe....yeah that seems like a fair comparison

Pathetic attempt to detract from the insanity here. It ain't workin, jackass. Factoid for you. This is ALL bup reps and maybe one pretending to throw things off as a Mucinex rep. Bunch of idiots I work with, save a handful of a few and a very few, sane decent people. Most have knives just waiting to stick up your back and if that doesn't do it, they'll trash you any way they can. Watch out for the sharks who swim around you at meetings. Pay attention to who hangs around who and where they swim off to, when they break from their usual pack. You'll learn a lot about what your are dealing with here and its freakin ugly.

What goes around, always comes around and will always bite your ass. Next time, you may want to think twice about who you shit on. I don't care how bad you feel about yourself, how shitty a performer you are or how much you just don't like someone, or you are wanting that house, promotion, car or marriage. Don't fuck with people, their reputation or their careers. Its a seriously fucked up way to behave, at any age. Just when you think you got away with it, you'll end up with a butt full of shot. You see, people never really get away with anything. It shows up in your life, affecting your health, your career or some area of significance in which you attempted to demean someone else. Surprises aren't always what you want, but its damn well what you deserve. I hope you enjoy what you brought on to yourself. Unfortunately, most of the managers here have been less than up to par and they allow people like you to manipulate them based on their pathetic desires, rather than act responsibly by giving all "team" members a chance to respond to whatever shit you trumped up. Most of these punks have a complete inability to think objectively, maturely, let alone make sure they give all parties a chance to hear an accusation, before acting out like a 2 year old with its pants full of shit. Intelligent people know that its usually best to get ALL the facts and not just from a confidant and butt kiss.

Plenty of suck ups here, that a known sales phenomena. Best way into your managers little circle of trust? Keep the trash talk coming in, regularly. Never mind that 99% of it isn't true or that what you thought you saw, might not have been what actually happened or what little miss muffett tearfully told you, wasn't quite how it went down. Nah, to hell with fact finding. Instead, go with what will bring the greatest reaction from your friendly DM wanna-be and sit back and watch the fall out. This is how some people here really get their promotions, trips and raises. Hate to break it to you, but that manager of yours, likely did some big time dump job on somebody to get to where she/he is at. You know who you are now, don't you?