Share your stories of Novartis' lack of respect for you


Mine are too numerous to mention. My manager started his management career when I was over 160% to goal (consistently) from Trimester to Trimester. Her comment? "It's much easier to grow a small number by a huge percentage than it is for the Novartis folks who have to grow a large number, for which it's much more difficult to grow a large number by a small percentage. Real motivating, wouldn't you agree???

OP here: While I completely understand the math and that the statement she said is true, my question was (and remains), is this the way to motivate an individual? Rather than praising someone who is at 160% + over goal, let's point out a math issue. No, this is about management inability to motivate an individual. The bigger issue, though, is that the manager has shown blatant disrespect in numerous issues.

My manager basically ignores every suggestion I give him. Then, 2 weeks or so later, my CV2 will suggest the exact same idea and she's the genius. Absolutely frustrating!!

It depends on the area of the country. Some NVS abl’s rarely if ever ride with their PDI reps, if they do it’s only just to eat lunch to “show” they were actually there. However, some abl’s (mine) pile on the PDI reps when the Novartis reps basically tell him to go screw himself, ie not doing lunches, prgrams etc. PDI pays the price

My idiotic Novartis manager praises all of the CV2 reps constantly, while never saying anything positive about the PDI reps. I was absolutely amazed at the national meeting in Denver when an ABL ftom a different area actually praised the work of a PDI rep. Wow!! It would be awesome to have a fair manager!!

Never seen such insecurity in a management team as I've witnessed in the Novartis management team. They're all trying so hard to impress each other so much, it's ridiculous. When things go right--a dr writes-- it's all due to the NVS rep's work. Then, when things go wrong--sales drop-- it's all because the PDI rep is either too stupid or lazy to do the job. So sick of this!!

My manager has gone through 8 PDI reps in less than 3 years, all because he treats us like we know nothing, shows almost contempt for us, and pushes us as hard as the Novartis reps. Doesn't he understand we make $30,000 less than our counterparts (if not more)???

My manager has gone through 8 PDI reps in less than 3 years, all because he treats us like we know nothing, shows almost contempt for us, and pushes us as hard as the Novartis reps. Doesn't he understand we make $30,000 less than our counterparts (if not more)???

Yes, it's Novartis' fault that PDI takes a large % of their sales force salary to pay for overhead and overall business operations. How do you suppose PDI's mgmt and admin are being paid? Yes, it's always someone else fault. You're a winner.

Manager in PA Sucks. Makes fun of PDI reps to the NVS reps (yes, my NVS counterpart confided in me). This is the most childish organization I've ever worked for (NVS).

But yet you continue to work here and let the disrespect continue. It stops when you decide to leave like over 60% of the field force did the 1st year.

Manager in PA Sucks. Makes fun of PDI reps to the NVS reps (yes, my NVS counterpart confided in me). This is the most childish organization I've ever worked for (NVS).

Have not been contract that long. Temporary stop because job is needed. Unbelievable how many whining and lazy losers are in this sector of pharma (probably why reps are not being rolled over). This gives me the fuel to leave contract ... too many unstable folks.

National Sales Meeting--Need I say more? We're overlooked, underpaid, and certainly under appreciated!!

Pls educate yourself on the meaning of contract jobs. Start with those industries outside of pharma first. Then, look at your paycheck. This tells you who your employer is. Then, think about your post. It's people like you that make the rest of us look like idiots. If you don't like who you're employed with, leave.

True. At the meeting the bonding of PDI was that we are not treated equally like the Novartis reps. Dinner during the free night. This post is a wake up. We are not Novartis employees. I guess we dont want to be PDI so badly that we hide in the delusion. We are not working for free but we talk as if we are.

But yet you continue to work here and let the disrespect continue. It stops when you decide to leave like over 60% of the field force did the 1st year.

They always say that the best Reps leave first when the Company starts to sour. Well this has happened a long time ago during the first year. It was estimated that 50-70% of the Original reps left during the 1st year. PDI in their infinite wisdom lost most of their best most loyal employees during this time. So anyone still here or have replaced open territories is literally 2nd or even 3rd choice Reps. The individuals here enjoy the bad treatment because you all know what was going on when you accepted the open territories. Everyone was talking about it on CP!! You are all a bunch of whiners and complainers while enjoying treated badly. You literally don't care if people disrespect you becasue you signed up for it! Either get some self respect and leave or enjoy what most people are able to get away w/ w/ you and that is being treated poorly.

If youre still here from launch what does that say about you. Must not have motivation and probably not working. Who would voluntarily stay with a company that takes a chunck of their pay if they were out there hustling or even working 50%. Nevermind the terrible benefits. Amazing. At the meeting we had some folks bragging that theyve been on the contract from the beginning. Not knowing thats nothing to brag about. Embarassing.