Son? I’m your daddy.sorry son, you just don't get it but I'm glad I get to compete with you
Son? I’m your daddy.sorry son, you just don't get it but I'm glad I get to compete with you
Hey cubicle boy pretending to be in sales: Just answer the question...why would you want your goals before the measurement period ends? Just answer that instead of avoiding it like. you have all thread.
Answer the question little fella.
I’m not arguing that it isn’t LOGICAL to have the goals ahead of time. What I was asking is what are you really going to do differently? Sure, it makes perfect sense to have them ahead of time. In fact, since we know we will need to grow 55% in 2022 go ahead and add that growth figure to your Q1 2021 history and you will come pretty close to what your actual goal is when they produce it. But therein lies somewhat of my point…if you calculate that today (or corporate gives you that today), vs. you seeing it February 15th, what specifically do you think you would do differently? This question as not meant to be some contentious challenge leading us down some rabbit hole, it was to really net out on what one would really do differently.Its only logical to receive goals before the period begins in which you are being held accountable. Goals should be based on data from prior period and worst case there is a 2 week lag from when retail/spec is available. If you dont understand then you have probably been at GSK too long or never been anywhere else.
But hey, who cares since you get paid ahead of pull through and are probably double credited for direct dispense.
Maybe youll get a really awesome spiff that makes no sense. And if you are lucky they wont penalize you for returned product from another territory that was shipped back to a distribution center in your zip code and had nothing to do with you. All this hopefully leading to a diverse rep getting sales credit and moving up in the organization at your expense. Now thats equitable!
Goodluck with your PIP and the experimental gene therapy forced upon you by this transparent organization. Maybe youll have a "break through case" before getting fired if you are lucky.
I’m not arguing that it isn’t LOGICAL to have the goals ahead of time. What I was asking is what are you really going to do differently? Sure, it makes perfect sense to have them ahead of time. In fact, since we know we will need to grow 55% in 2022 go ahead and add that growth figure to your Q1 2021 history and you will come pretty close to what your actual goal is when they produce it. But therein lies somewhat of my point…if you calculate that today (or corporate gives you that today), vs. you seeing it February 15th, what specifically do you think you would do differently? This question as not meant to be some contentious challenge leading us down some rabbit hole, it was to really net out on what one would really do differently.
As far as the cubicle BS and insinuation that I work in the home office…it’s totally not true. I’ve been in field sales for over twenty years, successful, and yes, am challenging you that in reality you really aren’t going to be doing anything differently if you know the goal day one or day 31 in the period. Just not the case.
What a friggin’ idiot! Using some dumb basketball analogy but not even specifically answering the original question. Reply with exactly what you would do differently with Shingrix whether you had the goal day one or halfway through.
Sales goals are supposed to be used to drive behavior. If you aren’t going to do anything differently like you said then why even have goals?