Shady activities

Wouldn't it awesome if we could actually do as many programs as these clowns say we are doing? Let's see, they said 200 a week, for about 100 of us, so each of us is doing 2 programs a week for the entire year. That's probably like what about 100,000 patients? Seriously we'd have like every single flare patient at Acthar programs. Sales would be rocking then LOL

Those idiots didn't even think to look at the Acth structure in our label before releasing that joke Citron report. What make you think they are capable of doing math correctly??

It requires patience, but there is a pot of gold at the other end of the rainbow.

Parke-Davis, Warner-Lambert, Pfizer; Off-label promotion of Neurontin; May 2004

In 1996, whistleblower David Franklin left his position as a medical liaison with Parke-Davis, a pharmaceutical division of Warner-Lambert Company, after learning of the company's marketing strategy to promote the epilepsy drug Neurontin for uses not approved by the FDA and for which no evidence existed of the drug's effectiveness.[1] Franklin and his attorney, Thomas M. Greene, filed a lawsuit, Franklin v. Parke-Davis, under the False Claims Act in federal district court in Boston. In the first off-label promotion case ever litigated in a whistleblower suit under the False Claims Act, the settlement was announced after eight years of litigation in May 2004. Warner-Lambert agreed to pay $430 million to resolve all civil and criminal liability, with $24.64 million going to Franklin for his participation in the lawsuit.[2] To date, it is one of the largest recoveries against a pharmaceutical company in U.S. history.

The only shady activities were from a few over ambitious reps. The rest of us were legally doing our job and now we pay for their greed. It is so clear who is protected. They are discovered to be coloring outside the lines and then get promoted. Truly quite comical to see those that were not compliant, now telling everyone how to be compliant! Ha! It's like Andrew Left, a convicted felon, telling everyone how to invest.

The only shady activities were from a few over ambitious reps. The rest of us were legally doing our job and now we pay for their greed. It is so clear who is protected. They are discovered to be coloring outside the lines and then get promoted. Truly quite comical to see those that were not compliant, now telling everyone how to be compliant! Ha! It's like Andrew Left, a convicted felon, telling everyone how to invest.

I guess it takes a felon to know a felon or multiple felons. :)