Once again you show your superior intellect.
Why would anyone retype all that when you can just cut and paste?
Its a miracle!! All the cuts going on in medical the House now says lets give everyone a 1% raise for the next couple years. From Cardionet to Medtronic, we all get a raise for our services. Since they cant "cherry pick" codes they all go up 1%, even 93229!!!! I guess you have nothing to worry about now since no cuts and everything goes up 1%.
Speaking to a Ra-tard gives me a headache. I'm out!
then why even respond? Furthermore, the Senate has not passed it yet. More than likely they will. The responses from some of my colleagues now gives me a clear vision of why we have been in so much trouble. You are probably one of those who defended us paying physicians for the hook ups on MCOT, what's going on with that now? I will not even mention the other stuff that has happened. You are right, the increase or decrease, whatever it may be, will affect all the codes which apply to physicians ( services ) and IDTFs who bill within the same set of codes.
I may be mentally challenged but I am right and you are wrong. I bet you are just the pride and joy of your manager. I hope you are not in my division.