Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

You are so pathetic. I hope you do realize that Cafe Pharma is and has always been just a platform for low performers to spew nonsense so they can somehow feel better about themselves. Noone with any intelligence would take anything said here seriously. Reps dont post here cuz they are happy and know people like you are just a funny little joke.

Listen blowsaphine or Mac daddy we all know you idiots have nothing better to do than parrot to us nonsense about start time and stop time.

Low performers aren’t the only ones on here the top performers hate you too. Keep it coming folks I bet Salus is the one racking up the views we all know that needle dick is looking at the “numbers” and by numbers i mean the time clock.

Dis post is the work of our HR lady. I be challenging Spain to audit her company devices. I would bet a month pay that she uses company devices to "monitor" cafepharma threads. Why you is at it, what up with her having a company fleet vehicle? How dat right?

All recent posts from the same person obviously. There is like 150 people in this company. 2000 views? That means that every single person in the company viewed 13x. How incredibly stupid could you be? And you have failed to show proof. But then again you dont have proof of anything....all you do is spew bullshit

Agree with all of the above! If you’re thinking of coming here please just do yourself a favor and don’t. It’s all true. Micromanaging, non-existent marketing, no market access / formulary coverage and no contracting. Metric driven ICP to track your every move. They don’t care about you and you are only a warm body to fill a territory. They fired people during Covid. Who the hell does that during a nationwide lockdown? Reps are jumping ship and good for them! I have my popcorn and can’t wait for the verdict. Wish I had JO’s number. I could add to the case from the Spain incident.

The sign of a healthy company is when they rehire people who were downsized in the past. This company downsized 75% of a dermatology division. :mad: They then sold the remaining skeleton crew off. That group only lasted about a year before collapsing. The ONLY person I know of that got an offer to go back was Marty McFly. It helps to be married into la familia. ;) To be fair, Marteen is one of the bright stars at Exeltis in a sea of darkness. The dermatology team didn't want to go back. Exeltis is like a porta potty after a 4 day summer rock concert festival.:confused: In a pinch you have to use it but you don't stay long. That is the reason why this company has massive turnover.:eek: Just so you know, several former reps are reading this thread. We are all interested in hearing about the verdict. Go team JO:)

This weekend, I rode my mountain bike down to my local dojo to practice my old school karate. I practiced my roundhouse kicks for 20 minutes. It gets the blood pumping and prepares me for my purple belt level.

Afterwards, I sped to the 7-11 to buy a large bean burrito. This meal along with my kicks helps my constitution. I took the meal back to my man basement in my Ma's house. I slammed down 2 red bulls while watching "Never Back Down" on Netflix.

This got me motivated to practice my nunchuck routine. After 7 minutes I hurried to the throne room. While sitting, I started to wonder what was going down with the lawsuit. I reached out to the old gang but no one replied.

Anyone know what's going down? It has been a while since I worked with you guys. I used to be a DM and I sure would like to share my thoughts with you folks.

You can find me on LinkedIn-reach out.


This weekend, I rode my mountain bike down to my local dojo to practice my old school karate. I practiced my roundhouse kicks for 20 minutes. It gets the blood pumping and prepares me for my purple belt level.

Afterwards, I sped to the 7-11 to buy a large bean burrito. This meal along with my kicks helps my constitution. I took the meal back to my man basement in my Ma's house. I slammed down 2 red bulls while watching "Never Back Down" on Netflix.

This got me motivated to practice my nunchuck routine. After 7 minutes I hurried to the throne room. While sitting, I started to wonder what was going down with the lawsuit. I reached out to the old gang but no one replied.

Anyone know what's going down? It has been a while since I worked with you guys. I used to be a DM and I sure would like to share my thoughts with you folks.

You can find me on LinkedIn-reach out.


Why would anyone actually take time to write something like this. Must be a unemployed loser and most certainly not Rob. Hmmmm....I wonder who it could be?

I'd like to point out that this thread now has over 3000 views. You can't fake those numbers. It shows that a significant number of employees (past and present) are reading this thread waiting for lawsuit info.

I had another dream last night. In my dream, I woke up in a science lab. The bald and beautiful Bill E was mixing a concoction. "What's that on your head? Yo, Is that a Heisenberg hat!"

He quickly told me that it did not matter and that WE needed to hit our quota. "Yo b!tch, what quota you talking about!" The blue quota he tells me. He then goes on to tell me how the Sigman family is distributing this new blue medicine all over the US and Canada. It is so popular that it is now going to Spain.

As I processed this, he grabbed me and told me that we had to meet the man at the junkyard. We hop into his Saturn (btw is smelled of Chipotle bean burritos) and drove way over the speed limit.

We get to this remote junkyard wouldn't you know it, Ole Fernando the BULL shows up. "What's up with your teeth"? He had this cheap looking grill with the word "CEO" stamped on it. He started acting kooky. He then busts out and pops off 20 burpees.

By this time I look over at Billy boy and he is scared out of his wits. Well the Bull charged him and got in his face. He kept asking for more of the blue med. He was going on about how we had not prepared enough volume. And the the bald one makes the promise that he would double the volume by their next visit. I closed my eyes and woke up.

How would you interpret my dream?

I had another dream last night. In my dream, I woke up in a science lab. The bald and beautiful Bill E was mixing a concoction. "What's that on your head? Yo, Is that a Heisenberg hat!"

He quickly told me that it did not matter and that WE needed to hit our quota. "Yo b!tch, what quota you talking about!" The blue quota he tells me. He then goes on to tell me how the Sigman family is distributing this new blue medicine all over the US and Canada. It is so popular that it is now going to Spain.

As I processed this, he grabbed me and told me that we had to meet the man at the junkyard. We hop into his Saturn (btw is smelled of Chipotle bean burritos) and drove way over the speed limit.

We get to this remote junkyard wouldn't you know it, Ole Fernando the BULL shows up. "What's up with your teeth"? He had this cheap looking grill with the word "CEO" stamped on it. He started acting kooky. He then busts out and pops off 20 burpees.

By this time I look over at Billy boy and he is scared out of his wits. Well the Bull charged him and got in his face. He kept asking for more of the blue med. He was going on about how we had not prepared enough volume. And the the bald one makes the promise that he would double the volume by their next visit. I closed my eyes and woke up.

How would you interpret my dream?

Thread summary to date

One highly aggressive non-professional poster:
  1. uses the word pathetic to describe people repeatedly (May 7, May 19, and May 24 posts)
  2. uses words to describe person as slanderous, clueless and delusional
  3. very interested in proof source for number of "number of views"
  1. posters identify HR NJ and ask company to moderate her company devices for above activity
  2. posters encourage interviewees to stay clear of this company, due to extreme dysfunction which includes: sexual harassment, inability of headquarters to recognize and remove "bad apples", and micromanagement to name a just a few
Recommendation is for headquarters in Spain to hire clean up consultant team to put this company back on track, listen to valid complaints from current and former employees, root out those leaving company vulnerable to lawsuits, find the way to made amends for allowing this situation in the US market to go on for so long.