Severed Recently...


Was just severed recently. No ill will at all. Put in my 25 years, nice severance, retirement sitting there waiting for me. Best thing that ever happened. I have never posted on this board, but have perused it several times, looking at different companies boards as well. It's amazing...You could blind the company name and it's the same crap on every board. I don't know if everyone, or anyone that posts, even works in the business. What value is found here? Just constant flaming of peoples ideas. And outrageous posts, that, when I worked in this industry, was completely embarrassed about. And you know physician's, lawyers, Fed's, FDA, etc watch everything said on here. I really wish this site didn't exist, or people that are actually working in the Pharma industry acted (and posted) professional, helpful stuff about their companies. OK, I'll get off my soap box and let the flaming begin. I am fortunate enough to have made a great living in the pharma industry and am starting my own business now until I can tap my retirement and generous 401K that I earned here. Good luck to all and geez guys, act like the professionals this industry is supposed to be.

All The Best...

P.S. -
-No I don't drink the "kool-aid"
-No I am not a current manager
-Yes I did work for Pfizer
-No I have no real agenda other than, well, it'll never happen here so never mind
-Yes I wish they would shut this site down
-And, finally, yes I no longer work here and am grateful for what I earned, and the lifestyle it has afforded me and my family. Good luck all...


Well said! I am in the same boat. Severed in 09 with 25 years or good respectable work. Built a nice 401 k and pension for the good life. I am embarrassed to read the posts and no wonder respect has been lost for the industry. I will say based upon what I have seen, I do not trust Pfizer but feel the severance was good. I was a high performer with a high salary and not a minority or female. Regardless, people should focus on doing the job they were hired to do or quit.

Well said! I am in the same boat. Severed in 09 with 25 years or good respectable work. Built a nice 401 k and pension for the good life. I am embarrassed to read the posts and no wonder respect has been lost for the industry. I will say based upon what I have seen, I do not trust Pfizer but feel the severance was good. I was a high performer with a high salary and not a minority or female. Regardless, people should focus on doing the job they were hired to do or quit.

You people have to be kidding us. Bla Bla Bla about the 25 years you were LUCKY enough to have had the opportunity to build that pension that will keep you living well into retirement. I don't know if people are just plain stupid or so narcissitic that they cannot see anything beyond their own little world. Try to sit and think about the many people who will never enjoy the opportunity to build a 25 year pension in the pharma business due to all the major years of downsizing, the stress of continual threats of downsizing, or who are new and will never enjoy the option of the pension you two want to gloat about. Take yourself out of the picture (just for one moment) and try to comment on how many other people in this business who will never be able to build that luxury in retirement (in this industry or any other). Both of you were just plain fortunate to have entered the business when you did. Get a reality check for everyone else. You have just proven that the problem is that most people are just too self-centered to emphathize with others plights who are less fortunate.

You people have to be kidding us. Bla Bla Bla about the 25 years you were LUCKY enough to have had the opportunity to build that pension that will keep you living well into retirement. I don't know if people are just plain stupid or so narcissitic that they cannot see anything beyond their own little world. Try to sit and think about the many people who will never enjoy the opportunity to build a 25 year pension in the pharma business due to all the major years of downsizing, the stress of continual threats of downsizing, or who are new and will never enjoy the option of the pension you two want to gloat about. Take yourself out of the picture (just for one moment) and try to comment on how many other people in this business who will never be able to build that luxury in retirement (in this industry or any other). Both of you were just plain fortunate to have entered the business when you did. Get a reality check for everyone else. You have just proven that the problem is that most people are just too self-centered to emphathize with others plights who are less fortunate.

You have much to learn 'lil grasshopper.

You people have to be kidding us. Bla Bla Bla about the 25 years you were LUCKY enough to have had the opportunity to build that pension that will keep you living well into retirement. I don't know if people are just plain stupid or so narcissitic that they cannot see anything beyond their own little world. Try to sit and think about the many people who will never enjoy the opportunity to build a 25 year pension in the pharma business due to all the major years of downsizing, the stress of continual threats of downsizing, or who are new and will never enjoy the option of the pension you two want to gloat about. Take yourself out of the picture (just for one moment) and try to comment on how many other people in this business who will never be able to build that luxury in retirement (in this industry or any other). Both of you were just plain fortunate to have entered the business when you did. Get a reality check for everyone else. You have just proven that the problem is that most people are just too self-centered to emphathize with others plights who are less fortunate.

I'm new to this thread.
Yes, grasshopper you do have much to learn. Start by thinking of what you DO have. If you work for Pfizer, you DO have a great job. Things change. If you can't or won't see the value in what you have today, then go seriously look for another job.
Reality check.

I'm new to this thread.
Yes, grasshopper you do have much to learn. Start by thinking of what you DO have. If you work for Pfizer, you DO have a great job. Things change. If you can't or won't see the value in what you have today, then go seriously look for another job.
Reality check.

Perfect example of what post 3 was talking about. You people are so stupid you don't even know what the thread was talking about. Let me spell it out for you. PENSIONS-the benefit of them with many years of service and their advantage in retirement. Post 3 said nothing about the salary a job in pharma brings. WTF does the grasshopper comment mean.

I'm new to this thread.
Yes, grasshopper you do have much to learn. Start by thinking of what you DO have. If you work for Pfizer, you DO have a great job. Things change. If you can't or won't see the value in what you have today, then go seriously look for another job.
Reality check.

Not sure what this comment has to do with the thread about working so many years the OP has enough in a pension to have a good retirement. Also, where should someone go look for another job these days. I thought that unemployment was a serious problem. Have we all missed something that you should be telling us about the job market.

Well said! I am in the same boat. Severed in 09 with 25 years or good respectable work. Built a nice 401 k and pension for the good life. I am embarrassed to read the posts and no wonder respect has been lost for the industry. I will say based upon what I have seen, I do not trust Pfizer but feel the severance was good. I was a high performer with a high salary and not a minority or female. Regardless, people should focus on doing the job they were hired to do or quit.

Glad to hear that it worked out well for you and the other poster. I'm sure you can appreciate that for many of us in mid-life who work hard and conduct ourselves professionally, earning what you were able to seems increasingly out of reach due to circumstances well beyond our control. Hence the vitriol and negativity you'll often see on this site. Since you both had long careers, a question: did you experience down business cycles like the current one plaguing big pharma? I'm curious to get perspective on whether current events are truly a paradigm shift or part of a typical industry business cycle...

You people have to be kidding us. Bla Bla Bla about the 25 years you were LUCKY enough to have had the opportunity to build that pension that will keep you living well into retirement. I don't know if people are just plain stupid or so narcissitic that they cannot see anything beyond their own little world. Try to sit and think about the many people who will never enjoy the opportunity to build a 25 year pension in the pharma business due to all the major years of downsizing, the stress of continual threats of downsizing, or who are new and will never enjoy the option of the pension you two want to gloat about. Take yourself out of the picture (just for one moment) and try to comment on how many other people in this business who will never be able to build that luxury in retirement (in this industry or any other). Both of you were just plain fortunate to have entered the business when you did. Get a reality check for everyone else. You have just proven that the problem is that most people are just too self-centered to emphathize with others plights who are less fortunate.

Oh stop your whining and go to work. If unhappy, quit and find a job that will get you that pension. Many of us did our time ith respect, no whining and are reaping the bnfitw. You should be happy for us.

It's pretty simple. You work and earn as much money as you can. You live like a pauper and save your money. Hopefully you don't get screwed on your investments. You then hopefully retire with your health and some wealth.

You die.

Make the best of it. Unless you enjoy bitching and moaning, many people just do, then quit it. Try to be happy and enjoy each day. What else is there?

For the rest, go save the world. Good luck with that.

Oh stop your whining and go to work. If unhappy, quit and find a job that will get you that pension. Many of us did our time ith respect, no whining and are reaping the bnfitw. You should be happy for us.

Exactly what a true narcasist would say. Lets spell it out, its not about being unhappy, but unless you live under a rock these are very uncertain and stressful times in the workplace. Oh, I forgot that you would not feel that since you have the benefit of enjoying a pension after 25 years. You should feel fortunate and blessed. In todays climate, companies do not offer the great pensions that you are so able to benefit from now. Many large companies, like IBM, froze their pensions years ago, and in the next few years, it will be difficult at all to find a company that offers a pension to new or existing employees. Unfortunately, those who have enjoyed retiring under a good pension benefit plan, all too often, are too self-directed to care about the generations who will not have than benefit-----no matter how long they will stay with a company. Pfizer eliminated its pension to new employees. And just in case you want to respond like a dick thinking I'm just a newbie to the workforce. I will also be enjoying a retirement pension, unfortunately not as long as you have been because Pfizer will freeze my pension within a few years, EVEN IF I STAY FOR 25 YEARS LIKE YOU. I am just capable of understanding the value of what a pension offers in retirement that many younger than myself will not benefit from. Its called empathy!!!!!!

Glad to hear that it worked out well for you and the other poster. I'm sure you can appreciate that for many of us in mid-life who work hard and conduct ourselves professionally, earning what you were able to seems increasingly out of reach due to circumstances well beyond our control. Hence the vitriol and negativity you'll often see on this site. Since you both had long careers, a question: did you experience down business cycles like the current one plaguing big pharma? I'm curious to get perspective on whether current events are truly a paradigm shift or part of a typical industry business cycle...

The past 15-20yrs were always involved with restructuring. If you were successful you survived. I think the process of downsizing today includes a lot more than performance. To answer your question, the industry has been turbulent for many years.

It's pretty simple. You work and earn as much money as you can. You live like a pauper and save your money. Hopefully you don't get screwed on your investments. You then hopefully retire with your health and some wealth.

You die.

Make the best of it. Unless you enjoy bitching and moaning, many people just do, then quit it. Try to be happy and enjoy each day. What else is there?

For the rest, go save the world. Good luck with that.

Actuallly most people do not save near enough for retirement. That should not surprise anyone these days. For those that keep up with the latest report on the national news, only 25% of baby boomers near retirement have saved enough money to accomodate a basic standard of living. You may even be aware that some employers are starting to automatically set up 401K's for new employees because many young people do not think about how much income they will need 40 years in the future, and most people mistakenly believe that SS will suffice.

I completely agree. Got laid off in '09 under a very bad manager. If i could stay on I would. Pfizer is a good company treats people fairly and like most companies paint the name off and you will get a Pfizer. I did get a very very decent severance compared to other companies. We were treated with compassion amd care after the fact. A company I worked for had me bring the company car and sent me back in a cab. I am making no money but I am happy. I have saved enough for a decent retirement, and made a lot of sacrifices to be where I am now. I have had younger colleagues who spent money like crazy on vacations and nice clothes and expensive toys and did not save for times like these.

So whose fault is it that they didn't save for retirement? Their employer's, the alleged constitutional republic's, we once had, or the individual's?

Nobody stops anyone from starting their own "pension". Just buy annuities, or fill up your 401k, your Roth IRA, Traditional IRA, a SEP if you have a side business, a money market account, or friggin gamble at a casino. I don't care how you do it.

It's not your employer's or the new nanny state's responsibility to take care of your ass. It's your responsibility. Now if you can find some bleeding heart moron to take care of you, great all the power to you. But no more stealing my money for taxes to support your ass now or in retirement.

If you rely on your employer to have a pension and your nanny's SS only, that is your fault if you can't still live like a spoiled prince or princess when you're older. Not mine.

Many millionaires make $50k a year. Quit crying people.

Actuallly most people do not save near enough for retirement. That should not surprise anyone these days. For those that keep up with the latest report on the national news, only 25% of baby boomers near retirement have saved enough money to accomodate a basic standard of living. You may even be aware that some employers are starting to automatically set up 401K's for new employees because many young people do not think about how much income they will need 40 years in the future, and most people mistakenly believe that SS will suffice.

Do you really think that SS, this country, and perhaps the whole earth will still be around that long ?
Just look at the way things are going

You people have to be kidding us. Bla Bla Bla about the 25 years you were LUCKY enough to have had the opportunity to build that pension that will keep you living well into retirement. I don't know if people are just plain stupid or so narcissitic that they cannot see anything beyond their own little world. Try to sit and think about the many people who will never enjoy the opportunity to build a 25 year pension in the pharma business due to all the major years of downsizing, the stress of continual threats of downsizing, or who are new and will never enjoy the option of the pension you two want to gloat about. Take yourself out of the picture (just for one moment) and try to comment on how many other people in this business who will never be able to build that luxury in retirement (in this industry or any other). Both of you were just plain fortunate to have entered the business when you did. Get a reality check for everyone else. You have just proven that the problem is that most people are just too self-centered to emphathize with others plights who are less fortunate.

I agree...these spoiled narcissists don't realize how difficult it has been for Phrma reps the past 5-7 years. All you reps w/ 20+ years in Phrma lived through days of better salaries, better bonuses, time/relationships with customers, stock options/RSU's/Pensions worth quadruple that of ours. Also, you never had to worry about losing your job. Can you blame us for being dejected and negative? We have lived through hell and pray to keep our jobs year after year. I have lived through 5 rounds of layoffs in the past 8 years. Most of the negativity on this site is a defense mechanism to sound as if we don't care about being laid off. The more we say how much the industry is dead and how little we care, the less bad we feel about being let go. Psychology101. Take a step back you 20+ reps and try to empathize with our generation of sales reps. As we attempt to advance our careers and build a better life for ourselves and family, we are only trapped in an era of downsizing, cost-cutting, and the disloyal employer.

So whose fault is it that they didn't save for retirement? Their employer's, the alleged constitutional republic's, we once had, or the individual's?

Nobody stops anyone from starting their own "pension". Just buy annuities, or fill up your 401k, your Roth IRA, Traditional IRA, a SEP if you have a side business, a money market account, or friggin gamble at a casino. I don't care how you do it.

It's not your employer's or the new nanny state's responsibility to take care of your ass. It's your responsibility. Now if you can find some bleeding heart moron to take care of you, great all the power to you. But no more stealing my money for taxes to support your ass now or in retirement.

If you rely on your employer to have a pension and your nanny's SS only, that is your fault if you can't still live like a spoiled prince or princess when you're older. Not mine.

Many millionaires make $50k a year. Quit crying people.

Don't know what is wrong with you, but no one has said that it is an employer's responsibility to save for their employees. The previous post was just stating the facts about how many people don't save enough for retirement, probably even you included. Just loosen up the brains cells long enough to understand how people think, then you would be attune to the fact that we live in a society where spending money you don't have is a way of life. Couple that with poor education on the need to invest and you end up with alot of people who have lived way above their means on credit, only realize the facts of life when its too late. And to your reccommendation of buying annuities, that is a really poor investment choice. Apparantly even you don't have a good enough education about investing wisely. I would not throw stones.