If you read the damn severance package when you got it, it says that the severance payout will be the next scheduled payment in Feb. which is Feb. 26th, so you will get it then, will include vacation carryover, your pay for 20 weeks and $2,500 training and accrued vacation and personal time up to Feb. 7th your termination date. It will get to you. File your taxes and get some money now if you need it or cash in some stock options if you have any. You will then get March bonus and then that is all you will get! If you have a pension have to wait 60 to 90 days then I am going to roll over mine into a Roth IRA or something to make more than 5% percent on it and then you call also borrow against it if you need too. Keep your 401k where its at or roll it over too, but if you do there may be fees on it, not sure about this going to look into it today about keeping it or moving it, but I would assume no matter what you will be charged fees whether you stay with Fidelity or roll it over, look into it and make some calls. I got a grea job in medical device and got this severance, debt free soon besides my house, care and student loan, lol. Thanks Novartis!!!!!!

Here in CA. Got all of severance, week pay for Feb., vacation, and retraining pay all direct deposited yesterday. Know of 3 others as well in CA that got theirs too.

Well, whatever, I haven't gotten mine yet, as long as I get it by Feb. 26th I really don't care. I just want it and over with. Thanks. I will post when I get mine I'm in the midwest middle of the US, maybe going west then us, oh well. Just be happy when I get it!

Post #4 is a bullshitter....Med Device won't even talk to a former pharm rep....their attitude is that Pharma Reps do not "know how to close a sale".....they want former copy machine reps!! Says a lot abt that industry huh????

Here in CA. Got all of severance, week pay for Feb., vacation, and retraining pay all direct deposited yesterday. Know of 3 others as well in CA that got theirs too.

Another BS post. I called HR. Severance checks will be deposited on the standard pay date of Feb. 26th.

Your just a loser that still is with Novartis and you dreamed of the severance. Now you are posting false statements!

I start my new job next week! New salary is higher than Novartis and a smaller territory! Thanks Big N!

There are jobs in medical devices, you must have been such a loser, they did not want to consider you. If you have a solid profile of other sales experiences, you can definately move to devices--I know reps that have. The reps that will not be considered are those who have been in pharma for many years, have never done anything else, and whine like you do!

Since February 26th falls on a Saturday, will the severance pay be deposited on February 25th.

It will be there when NPC decides it to be deposited.....they can say ANYTHING they want to us! For the PTSD conference call they held for us, HR didn't know the answers to A LOT of the questions.

If you are interested in rolling over your 401K....I called Fidelity today and that could take weeks for NPC to show us as NO LONGER EMPLOYED!

Good Luck to all.....there aren't many sales jobs out there that take pharma reps seriously!!

Another BS post. I called HR. Severance checks will be deposited on the standard pay date of Feb. 26th.

Your just a loser that still is with Novartis and you dreamed of the severance. Now you are posting false statements!

I start my new job next week! New salary is higher than Novartis and a smaller territory! Thanks Big N!

I guess this means I'll be getting another severance deposit on the 26th. Awesome!

No, I did get into medical devices, just jealous. I had multiple national president's club awards, also have my MBA, and was always in the top 20% and was at Novartis over 10 years, I knew that if I got the interview I could sell myself and I did, what a great change. I can't wait to get my money and bank it. Thanks though.

I don't know what they are doing at corporate.....but I am telling the truth. I received the severance on the 7th deposited in my bank. Perhaps they have different pay out dates for various locations. But CA did get paid all the money owed to them. This is NO BS!!

No, I did get into medical devices, just jealous. I had multiple national president's club awards, also have my MBA, and was always in the top 20% and was at Novartis over 10 years, I knew that if I got the interview I could sell myself and I did, what a great change. I can't wait to get my money and bank it. Thanks though.

Winning a Presidents Club in this company is like having the best set of teeth in West Virginia. Glad you found something, but you got hired probably because of your connections rather than your POD based President's Club.