Was let go 4 years ago. In much better place now thank god. Few tips : take advantage of third party they offer to boost resume and linkden. Also the big check will probably come in January and totally screwed me for kids college aid the following year. You will also get a break down of everyone let go. They have to do this due to age discrimination act ( over 40).it will have all 2500 reps on it ( no names ) and read like this .
South Austin Male 45 retained
East Austin female 33 retained
West Austin make 28. Not retained .etc
I did math on everyone let go 4 years ago and avg age was 38.50. They know this and I spoke to a lawyer about it and he said sometimes a younger person thrown in as Sacrfical lamb to lower age..
What your really gonna miss at NNI are the health benefits. Best in industry. None of my family meds were covered with new employer.. And yes RBD will have some say on who stays with input from manager after ZS does their Bullshit. Managers will get file of displaced reps night before. Then in my case I received a text at 7:30 am stating I had a call with HR at 8am. Manager was on phone with HR and go over everything. And no race isn’t on list of employees or tenure. Age and sex. Good luck to all again.

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