severance approved?!?

According to HR first pay for severance will be sometime next week that will include in all medical and former 401k deductions- so it will be more take home. The next severance will be the regular pay period on the 15th including the same deductions. The severances do not include medical deductions since the company is paying via cobra for Oct and Nov. Nor do the severance pays include any 401k deductions. Look for you after tax checks to be at least 2 to 3 hundred dollars more than normal. Bonus will be paid at the same time.

Really??? How long does it take to get the numbers together?
The Makena enrollments are on the Dailey report, the vials shipped - that should take two weeks tops. It is not like there are thousands.
By sitting on bonus money, they earn interest.

According to HR first pay for severance will be sometime next week that will include in all medical and former 401k deductions- so it will be more take home. The next severance will be the regular pay period on the 15th including the same deductions. The severances do not include medical deductions since the company is paying via cobra for Oct and Nov. Nor do the severance pays include any 401k deductions. Look for you after tax checks to be at least 2 to 3 hundred dollars more than normal. Bonus will be paid at the same time.

Don't forget the car allowance was prorated until Sept 14and won't be in severance.

Don't forget the car allowance was prorated until Sept 14and won't be in severance.

That's right, I forgot about the car allowance which will be prorated for one payment then the full 43 dollars for the next one or the next two if you got a "3 checks" severance. (Tenure). I have an update on bonus. We will get paid the whole quarter however they weren't sure when. It may either be when they payout bonus in Nov, or it may be earlier. Either way, we are getting the full quarter. If you dived the amount they told you your severance is in the form we had to initial by either 2 or 3 depending how many weeks you get, that is your before-tax amount without the deductions. If you have an idea what percentage you are taxed every pay period, you can get a pretty good idea what your take-home would be. I think it will be around 200 to 300 more per check. Remember we will be taxed more because our before tax deductions will be factored in now.