Seriously, how long do you think we have?

It's time Amarin raised rep salaries to competitive levels!

"In 2019, the average rep salary was $151,217, which includes an average base salary of $109,250 and an average bonus of $41,967. That’s a 6% increase, or almost $8,000, over the average salary for pharma sales reps from MedReps’ 2018 survey."

It's time Amarin raised rep salaries to competitive levels!

"In 2019, the average rep salary was $151,217, which includes an average base salary of $109,250 and an average bonus of $41,967. That’s a 6% increase, or almost $8,000, over the average salary for pharma sales reps from MedReps’ 2018 survey."

Why do you think you should earn 151k for a fish oil product who's patent is lost and company with no other products? Additionally, what do you do yourself to earn that kind of money? Do you work harder than most? Do you do what it takes to get the sale? Do you meet docs at 430 am because thats the only opportunity or do you call your manager and declare them a no-see? Right, that's what I thought. You think you are entitled it to it. You aren't entitled to shit fella.

Why do you think you should earn 151k for a fish oil product who's patent is lost and company with no other products? Additionally, what do you do yourself to earn that kind of money? Do you work harder than most? Do you do what it takes to get the sale? Do you meet docs at 430 am because thats the only opportunity or do you call your manager and declare them a no-see? Right, that's what I thought. You think you are entitled it to it. You aren't entitled to shit fella.
Fine! I'm leaving to make better money selling Xarelto.

They won't lay you off. They are attempting/hoping to kill you (and customers and patients) first. Hurry! Get out there! You'll be ok! Remember how much JB cares? "Be safe out there! Sails up!" Meanwhile managers (and anyone above them) are not going anywhere. Busy hiding at home. Seems like third party vendor is no longer "helping" decide what areas are now appears to be managers pressuring reps to make the call. This is not a company concerned in health or cardiovascular risk reduction. It's a hedgefund, interested only in $ and liability risk reduction.

Why do you think you should earn 151k for a fish oil product who's patent is lost and company with no other products? Additionally, what do you do yourself to earn that kind of money? Do you work harder than most? Do you do what it takes to get the sale? Do you meet docs at 430 am because thats the only opportunity or do you call your manager and declare them a no-see? Right, that's what I thought. You think you are entitled it to it. You aren't entitled to shit fella.

Its simple ecomomics you dumb fing manager! I want what the market will bear... i work 10x harder than anybody i know... i do wtf it takes until it becomes unethical or against Pharma code.... if the market bears 200k im the first mf to deserve it!!! You just sit at home and complain that your reps arent selling enough. You WERENT ABLE OR COULNT SELL ANYTHIN soo you became a manager... Iused to make huge bonuses and had good salary, which i would trade for an awesome commission plan any day, but this shit hole company has wasted its resource on punk bitches like you.... really ask yourself this: if my job and all of my counterparts [other managers or marketing or other home office bs] disappered for 3 years would overall sales suffer??? I have another job as a surgury rep with a comission based salary.... I been double dipping for over a year... i take call one week a month.... im in surgury 3 days a week and hVe plenty of time to still sell this fish oil! i just got in from or call while im reading this.... so fuck off... this company doesnt give a shit about you and will try to pay u as little as it can.... fuck the stock its worthless and a pipe dream.... 2 years from now noone will be here worth a shit unless they are doing like me... but u still will bc u believe u are driving sales but reps all laugh at our managers cause they are fucking worthless... if we get back to field u go make 1 sale in 1 office in all ur reps territiries and then tell me wtf im worth!!! Guess i told ur punk azz

Forget Sails Up. Plan to keep dinghy afloat: 100 reps, maximum. No managers, they can stay safe at home, curled up in fetal position, on severance and unemployment (their blood pressure will normalize. Most benevolent, healthy choice for these fragile "managers"). Expense reports go directly to expense department, emails sent out from home office received once by reps (rather than re-sent with psycho commentary by bored, useless, overpaid managers). Or just cut everyone and JB and JT can do amazing nationwide virtual details all day.

Its simple ecomomics you dumb fing manager! I want what the market will bear... i work 10x harder than anybody i know... i do wtf it takes until it becomes unethical or against Pharma code.... if the market bears 200k im the first mf to deserve it!!! You just sit at home and complain that your reps arent selling enough. You WERENT ABLE OR COULNT SELL ANYTHIN soo you became a manager... Iused to make huge bonuses and had good salary, which i would trade for an awesome commission plan any day, but this shit hole company has wasted its resource on punk bitches like you.... really ask yourself this: if my job and all of my counterparts [other managers or marketing or other home office bs] disappered for 3 years would overall sales suffer??? I have another job as a surgury rep with a comission based salary.... I been double dipping for over a year... i take call one week a month.... im in surgury 3 days a week and hVe plenty of time to still sell this fish oil! i just got in from or call while im reading this.... so fuck off... this company doesnt give a shit about you and will try to pay u as little as it can.... fuck the stock its worthless and a pipe dream.... 2 years from now noone will be here worth a shit unless they are doing like me... but u still will bc u believe u are driving sales but reps all laugh at our managers cause they are fucking worthless... if we get back to field u go make 1 sale in 1 office in all ur reps territiries and then tell me wtf im worth!!! Guess i told ur punk azz
I think you need to go masturbate, you sound very backed up!