Serious discussion about ED

When you get to a certain age, tail is unfortunately inversely proportional to the amount you drank that night. :cool:

  • Wonka   Dec 15, 2014 at 05:03: AM
When you get to a certain age, tail is unfortunately inversely proportional to the amount you drank that night. :cool:

ROTF! Depends on how much you spend! Why do you think I'm working so many hours! I bought every Asian in the place!

So I guess that there really can't be a serious discussion on this thread that was moved out of anonymity to the characters playground, at least from the men. If anyone has any useful information please feel free to PM me. There was one anon poster that had some helpful advise though.

Which one? That thread is still up, just misnamed now.

I brought up the subject regarding the use of Tadalafil or Sildenafil on another anon thread. Here are excerpts of some of my answers:

“My husband has ED problems and takes it when he wants to have an erection and ejaculation. It's fine for him but he can't get it hard enough to enter me and give me a good ride so I can orgasm too. It's not difficult for me to orgasm so please no jokes here. Any suggestions? We've tried a lot of different things to keep him hard but he just can't hold on long enough to at least try to come inside me. I'm frustrated about this especially when I see commercials that show such 'happy' women and handsome rugged looking men that act so satisfied are annoying to me. I think they are one sided drugs for HIS pleasure, not hers!”

There were several responses; some were stupid attempts at humor and a few seemed to be very sincere. One of my edited responses to a poster addressed several of his suggestions:

“Thank you for your honesty in response. That is all good information and should be made available to everyone. I bet there are more than a few people on this thread now who have found this a common interest.

1) As I said, I am a nurse and well versed in all the options. His T counts are all in a good range (not even normal low) because we supplement. We have tried the timed release pellets and he likes the results the best, although there is a sore butt factor there! The shots are unpredictable for him, especially when there is alcohol involved and although he has cut down we both still enjoy a drink or two pre-coital attempt. He uses the cream sometimes toward the end of a cycle. I have access to a lab and we have experimented at different times under different circumstances checking levels.

We have tried injectables combined with the drug he is able to get a good enough erection but can’t seem to get beyond the oral. I’m curious though about the other injectibles and will be looking into it immediately! He has a pretty good urologist who works with us and would be willing to let us try anything not detrimental to his health which is pretty good.

2) An affair? Don’t think I haven’t thought of it for my own selfish reasons. I don’t think an escort would be something I would like to try but am open to new sexual experiences which could include a woman or a man. My husband is definitely not into men though. I guess I’d be on my own for that which I don’t think is fair but I don’t want to threaten his masculinity which is pretty fragile these days.

3) Lots of oral and toys in our bedroom (and other places)

4) We have talked about an implant as a possibility also and know the risks and the importance of being together on this procedure for the duration.

5) I am one of the anon posters who saw the old thread get moved to the playground just as it was becoming informative. I did start an avatar and made one post but honestly some of the people there are extremely insensitive and like to make a big joke out of everything.”

Please realize that this thread was forced onto the Playground. I know a lot of you know each other and would not be wanting to expose yourselves to ridicule. I am a new poster and am not allowed to use PM until I’m more established here. My posts are moderated until I have a certain number of them or a certain number of days since registration. Personally I think this is a very valid subject but don’t know where to place it to keep it in an anonymous fashion. It’s a shame because this is a pharmaceutical blog site and I’m sure this topic is really of serious interest to many of you out there.

You mention testosterone. There are 3 ways that I know of: 1) Pellets 2) Creams 3) Muscle Injection. My insurance no longer covers pellets so that's out. The creams get the level on paper but I don't feel a thing. I used to stop by my URO office on Fridays on the way home and get an injection every 2 weeks. After insurance dropped payment on the injection admin, he taught me to do it myself. No biggie and I find the difference to be remarkable. I don't know any man over 50 that isn't supplementing T.