Please, please don't think this is negative. I'm trying to be honest.
I work in BSS. The guy or woman that posted the second thing had a point. I burn sooo much time with these guys to use it, and when they do, it's fabulous! He's right though, you have to keep on them. That's all I do now. Go to cases and make sure they use it. Seprafilm is a good product, but these guys know it is not nessacary. They only use it b/c they like me and I'm there.
Getting the docs to "continue" to use it is a royal bitch. I have a somewhat decent territory, but i've been around for a few years and it's getting tough. I have a good income (it's has averaged a little under 100k, b/c 2 out of three years I didn't hit "ALL" of my numbers, plus my team has not made it's number any year) but, it's not what I expected or was told I would get.
I don't know. It's up too you.