
Can someone please give me some feedback regarding Seprafilm. How well is it received, comissions etc....

(Please DO NOT respond if you are negative, miserable, and hate your life)


The commissions are there if your taking over a good territory. Then again, sales is sales. If your good you can sell anything. The main problem with selling it is getting the surgeons to KEEP using it. Let's say you have a small town on the way to one of your bigger cities. You hit that towns surgeons every time you travel to the other city. You keep doing that until you land one. You go in the case and they like it. You now have to go into every case for a while to make sure the use it. Then, after six months you still need to hit a case a week or so to keep them using it. Pain in the rear. I only do business in cities with more than 5 hospitals for this reason. Don't get me wrong the cities are not any different. Once you get someone using it you have to babysit them. If you miss 4 or 5 cases, they will stop using it. Thats the problem, once you build your territory up where you making good money your too busy chasing cases and babysitting that you don't have time to try for new business. When your whole job is just going to cases you get burned out. That's why most people leave. They build up a territory and make good money but then all they do is stand up in an OR all day waiting for the surgeon to close so they can get him to place some film. I'm doing fine, I don't mind it so far, but I've only been here for two years. Maybe I will think differently in a few more years. What territory are you looking at?

The commissions are there if your taking over a good territory. Then again, sales is sales. If your good you can sell anything. The main problem with selling it is getting the surgeons to KEEP using it. Let's say you have a small town on the way to one of your bigger cities. You hit that towns surgeons every time you travel to the other city. You keep doing that until you land one. You go in the case and they like it. You now have to go into every case for a while to make sure the use it. Then, after six months you still need to hit a case a week or so to keep them using it. Pain in the rear. I only do business in cities with more than 5 hospitals for this reason. Don't get me wrong the cities are not any different. Once you get someone using it you have to babysit them. If you miss 4 or 5 cases, they will stop using it. Thats the problem, once you build your territory up where you making good money your too busy chasing cases and babysitting that you don't have time to try for new business. When your whole job is just going to cases you get burned out. That's why most people leave. They build up a territory and make good money but then all they do is stand up in an OR all day waiting for the surgeon to close so they can get him to place some film. I'm doing fine, I don't mind it so far, but I've only been here for two years. Maybe I will think differently in a few more years. What territory are you looking at?

I pray you are not in my region. Did you take English 101 in college? How did you even pass HS English? Are you familiar with the concept of a run on sentence? Do you know what a paragraph is?


The commissions are there if your taking over a good territory. Then again, sales is sales. If your good you can sell anything. The main problem with selling it is getting the surgeons to KEEP using it. Let's say you have a small town on the way to one of your bigger cities. You hit that towns surgeons every time you travel to the other city. You keep doing that until you land one. You go in the case and they like it. You now have to go into every case for a while to make sure the use it. Then, after six months you still need to hit a case a week or so to keep them using it. Pain in the rear. I only do business in cities with more than 5 hospitals for this reason. Don't get me wrong the cities are not any different. Once you get someone using it you have to babysit them. If you miss 4 or 5 cases, they will stop using it. Thats the problem, once you build your territory up where you making good money your too busy chasing cases and babysitting that you don't have time to try for new business. When your whole job is just going to cases you get burned out. That's why most people leave. They build up a territory and make good money but then all they do is stand up in an OR all day waiting for the surgeon to close so they can get him to place some film. I'm doing fine, I don't mind it so far, but I've only been here for two years. Maybe I will think differently in a few more years. What territory are you looking at?

Thank you for taking the time to answer specifically and honestly. I really appreciate the help!!!

( And to the poster below yours...I wasn't aware that "cafe pharma" was being policed by the grammer patrol. Once again someone negative and unhappy with their life)

Can someone please give me some feedback regarding Seprafilm. How well is it received, comissions etc....

(Please DO NOT respond if you are negative, miserable, and hate your life)


I too am looking for info on Seprafilm. I'm coming from medical device (cardio) and am considering a move to Genzyme. My qol right now is pretty horrible (Long days, nights and some weekends) and I am looking for a better fit.

Can someone give me their honest feedback on Genzyme as a company and what it is like selling Seprafilm? Are the primary competitors Bard and Ethicon?

Thanks in advance!

Please, please don't think this is negative. I'm trying to be honest.

I work in BSS. The guy or woman that posted the second thing had a point. I burn sooo much time with these guys to use it, and when they do, it's fabulous! He's right though, you have to keep on them. That's all I do now. Go to cases and make sure they use it. Seprafilm is a good product, but these guys know it is not nessacary. They only use it b/c they like me and I'm there.

Getting the docs to "continue" to use it is a royal bitch. I have a somewhat decent territory, but i've been around for a few years and it's getting tough. I have a good income (it's has averaged a little under 100k, b/c 2 out of three years I didn't hit "ALL" of my numbers, plus my team has not made it's number any year) but, it's not what I expected or was told I would get.

I don't know. It's up too you.

Please, please don't think this is negative. I'm trying to be honest.

I work in BSS. The guy or woman that posted the second thing had a point. I burn sooo much time with these guys to use it, and when they do, it's fabulous! He's right though, you have to keep on them. That's all I do now. Go to cases and make sure they use it. Seprafilm is a good product, but these guys know it is not nessacary. They only use it b/c they like me and I'm there.

Getting the docs to "continue" to use it is a royal bitch. I have a somewhat decent territory, but i've been around for a few years and it's getting tough. I have a good income (it's has averaged a little under 100k, b/c 2 out of three years I didn't hit "ALL" of my numbers, plus my team has not made it's number any year) but, it's not what I expected or was told I would get.

I don't know. It's up too you.

Thanks for the honest feedback, it is appreciated!

It sounds like you were promised better compensation? What are your thoughts of genzyme as a company (culture, ethics, qol, etc.) Thanks!

I' trying to find out who's hiring for the New Orleans opening. I lost my O.R. sales job when my company didn't understand why I only increased sales 15% (not 20%) after the Hurricane with 78% of my beds closed.
Any ideas who to contact on this new posting for New Orleans ? - I've got lost of sales exp., grad degrees, etc.

I' trying to find out who's hiring for the New Orleans opening. I lost my O.R. sales job when my company didn't understand why I only increased sales 15% (not 20%) after the Hurricane with 78% of my beds closed.
Any ideas who to contact on this new posting for New Orleans ? - I've got lost of sales exp., grad degrees, etc.

Heard the hospital sytem down your way was still pretty messed up. Personally, I think a 15% increase in sales Post-Katrina demonstrates more success than 20% anywhere else in the country. Didn't your company adjust your numbers Post-K to account for half the population disappearing? What company could or/ what did you sell that they just felt justified? ...and I can't help but wonder why would you chose to 'stay' when the business hasn't come back.

did Chris Fagen get fired?

Does that jackass still work for you? I did a "ride along" with him a few years ago. He would pick me up at 10 and drop me off at 2 every day. In between, his day consisted of hitting a case, going to lunch, scheduling a tee time, and making two sales calls. He's one of the reasons I left...

Also, he had tons CD's in his car of Marine Corps. fight songs. Who the hell listens to that, let alone buys the CD's ???? When I first saw them, I was afraid he was going to listen to them before going into sales calls! Hello Dwight Schrutte. OohRah!

...What a douche bag

The above poster I'm sure couldn't handle the grind selling Sepra. We're all glad he was one of the people who made you leave. BTW, he was rookie of the year and rep of the year and did it working from 10-2?!! Thank god he scared your pussy ass away. We don't need any whiners here.

Does that jackass still work for you? I did a "ride along" with him a few years ago. He would pick me up at 10 and drop me off at 2 every day. In between, his day consisted of hitting a case, going to lunch, scheduling a tee time, and making two sales calls. He's one of the reasons I left...

Also, he had tons CD's in his car of Marine Corps. fight songs. Who the hell listens to that, let alone buys the CD's ???? When I first saw them, I was afraid he was going to listen to them before going into sales calls! Hello Dwight Schrutte. OohRah!

...What a douche bag

I'm interviewing right now. WHat are the other reasons you left. Thanks,

This company is full of people that think their shit doesn't stink. I did a ride along with John Stull in Orlando. This guy brags about being an army ranger and he is the spitting image of humpty dumpty. He had to ask for maternity scrubs when we went to see a case. He talked about himself the whole time. Another DB. Stay away!!