Senate republicans Vote To Allow Terrorists To Legally Buy Guns In The US

Actually, the reality is that democrats are more dedicated to pursuing an ineffective tactic which would have done nothing to stop the recent Islamic terror attacks than to respect the rule of law, due process and Constitution. And thanks for the knee slapper about the list being carefully vetted. I guess that's why there is a substantial number of Homeland security employees who are on the list!!!!!
You are truly a useful idiot.

Who controls Congress and the Senate?

Why does the GOP favor potential terrorists being able to buy guns?

You are dismissed.

The RINOS are a joke and Obama butt-boys. They lied to the electorate to win the Senate, saying they would repeal and replace Barry Care. We all know how that turned out.

Why is it that these so-called conservatives only became concerned with the 'inaccuracies' of the No-Fly Terror List when the issue of them not being able to purchase guns came about. Since thse same people were so concerned about the possiblities of terrorists coming over among the Syrian refugees and since there are Syrian refugees already in the USA and since these same GOP/TP clowns are so concerned about terrorists the next logical step would be to prevent them from owning guns. But... then again I am asking illogical people to think logically.

Why is it that these so-called conservatives only became concerned with the 'inaccuracies' of the No-Fly Terror List when the issue of them not being able to purchase guns came about. Since thse same people were so concerned about the possiblities of terrorists coming over among the Syrian refugees and since there are Syrian refugees already in the USA and since these same GOP/TP clowns are so concerned about terrorists the next logical step would be to prevent them from owning guns. But... then again I am asking illogical people to think logically.

Why is it that you are an insanely irrational, pathological liar?

Why is it that you are an insanely irrational, pathological liar?

Typical conservative response when the facts are not on their side. Name calling, change the subject and ignore the polls that show the majority of Americans favor stricter background checks. It's no wonder the republican controlled senate and congress have the lowest rating in history.

Typical conservative response when the facts are not on their side. Name calling, change the subject and ignore the polls that show the majority of Americans favor stricter background checks. It's no wonder the republican controlled senate and congress have the lowest rating in history.

Typical liberal response: lying about who actually has the facts on their side. As usual the truth hurts......YOU.