This is so sad. I am newer to Genoptix and I want to work for a company that values their reps. I have read so many posts of unhappy, unsupported reps that's it's almost unbelievable! I do think if you are new to the company, enjoy your bonus, your goals are low for a reason. If you have been around beware. There are many excellent reps that are working there butts off and are still great reps and are not meeting their UNREALISTIC goals. When a company does not realize they are loosing $ due to competition and are too slow to respond to competition, in many ways...there is a huge problem. With extremely new DM's (2 more mentioned this week) with most of the DM's with absolutely no management experience... it doesn't look good. Sometimes you need to look outside to get good management. I will leave ASAP and I am doing quite well! Pay attention Tina, your dream is fading. Do what is right and have a good sleep.