I've seen enough. The blatant, "I don't give a fuck about the patient or anything other than money" attitude a study like that screams is shocking! I can't believe anybody would put their name on that study. I saw all the names and companies associated with it. These companies wanting unethical shit studies biased in their favor is somewhat understandable. The people working at these companies are shit, but the researchers and universities?! Everything needs to fail and someone needs to press the reset button. Truthfully, it's criminal. To conduct a study and draw those conclusions from the results is also a blatant "fuck you" to the entire scientific process.
I have to be done with cafepharma. I wish I could say that I had a "good" time. It's sad. Users be aware and beware. At the very least, you are not smart enough to trick me is the point I've been able to make.