
I do keep in mind some of the main principles. Customers narrow down their options and buy on the sales experience rather than price.....customers don’t want to be asked what keeps them up at night but shown what should be keeping them up. I don’t view it as some fail proof system however.

My original point was that device sales companies do not provide formal sales training either as a new hire or ongoing. Skills will atrophy or the rep never had much to begin with.....came from an industry where volume of calls predicted success and they just outworked everybody. I never understood how difficult pharma was until I got into device. In pharma I had to sell against a cheap generic and if they used it the doctor made less money because it reduced the need for surgery. I just had to take the doctor’s word for it when they said they would use it or use more and wait for the data to verify. And the only person who benefits is the patient. In my current role if a doctor uses my device the surgery is less invasive, more precise, faster, and it cuts the number of days a patient is in the hospital. The doctor can then do more surgeries, make fewer errors, make more money, and the hospital saves while patients experience better outcomes. If they don’t use my device I get a real reason why which gives me a fighting chance to address the concern instead of some bullshit.

Will you work harder in device? Yes. Be managed out if you don’t perform? Yes. See your quotas go up after you crush them over and over again to the point one stops hitting their number? That happens too and then it’s time to move on....but you make a lot of money in the process.

In conclusion, you won’t convince me a good drug rep isn’t a good sales rep. Seen it proven too often.

Wow well said and well written thanks for that. I’m not a big OR person and don’t want to scrub down so I think I’ll stick with pharma (yeah the bonuses are meh but whatever). The device $$$ just sounds amazing...

I don’t think there will be a sale. I think amarin will try to buy a product in 5 years and fail. I bet stock hits $35-$40 by 2021. After that, sell. Stability for now.

one product competing with OTC fish oil???? God gawd, only take this gig if you’re unemployed. The DMs are a joke, washed up, pushing retirement and just trying to hold on or losers who started at this company because no one else would hire them without experience. Now, due to being mediocre in sales for a few years, they bump these shlubs up one level and hire a new batch of raw recruits, and the story repeats

Run from this hell hole!!

one product competing with OTC fish oil???? God gawd, only take this gig if you’re unemployed. The DMs are a joke, washed up, pushing retirement and just trying to hold on or losers who started at this company because no one else would hire them without experience. Now, due to being mediocre in sales for a few years, they bump these shlubs up one level and hire a new batch of raw recruits, and the story repeats

Run from this hell hole!!


75 k base.....made around 160 k last year in bonus. Top 25%. This year I’m tracking around 165-175 k in bonus. Took me awhile to get there. To be honest....I’m looking to transition back to pharma. Preferably in Oncology or Biologics. The reason is work life balance...and my manager (most managers in this industry) are nut jobs. Yes...I know there are crazy managers everywhere but its a little over the top in device. The better I do the more I am relied upon to pull everyone else’s weight. It just never ends. Either you stink and face heat or you do well and they squeeze you for more. There is a reason you don’t see many highly tenured reps that stay at one company.

I’ve made more money than I could have ever imagined. But I won’t’s stressful. You have to decide what’s important to you.

And don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t sell if you are a high performer. That person either is testing you to see how you handle objections, came from a volume of calls based performance background and is married to that mindset, or a loudmouth who is too arrogant to consider a different perspective.