Secuado launch-Syneos

12 calls in Specialty were required. No excuses.
There was also a requirement to stick to your routing no matter what.
I can remember my manager calling me and asking why did you not work the routing on your routing plan yesterday?
I had an opportunity to do a lunch at a top tier office.
Constant micromanagement occurred at Noven.
I’m calling bs. Never have I heard of 12/day anywhere. 26 reps nationally=GIANT geographies and drive time. I seriously doubt we’ll be sampling a daily patch so signatures for nothing seems insane.

We will be sampling the patch..need to get a storage space which is BS but the manager seems nice enough
think syneos is going to be a bitch to work for too much red tape etc.
anyone have any idea what kind of car we are getting?

We will be sampling the patch..need to get a storage space which is BS but the manager seems nice enough
think syneos is going to be a bitch to work for too much red tape etc.
anyone have any idea what kind of car we are getting?
I’d love to know about the car. Per company correspondence, we are just going to be given a vehicle with no choice. That’s fine but obviously a cost-cutting measure. Interesting that we will be furnishing samples… I just hope that we are actually sampling prescription product and not placebo. That’s incredibly lame.

Seems contract companies tend to make training a bit more difficult or tedious than necessary so they can look back and tell the client they delivered upfront. Does any of it truly help the reps? Hmmm...

This is my first contract. About what I expected. Low pay, possibly large territory. In this case, both. What do you think is the acceptable rate/percentage of attrition in the first 3-6 months. Surely they don’t believe it to be zero. I really feel terrible for the two managers.

I worked for Noven. The base was 68K for an experienced rep. They are heavy on J & J management.
At meetings, they lined us up and had us present to the person across from you (like they do at J & J). Criticism on your presentation was immediate, harsh and public.
who was the sales director at the time? this kind of bs and culture roll down from the top.