SEC Investigation

We got hosed. After meeting some of D'sply leadership I knew there was some shady stuff going on. Fake sales numbers Fake value of assets Fake net worth of company Fake stock price

That's a nice dream you folks are living, but the reality is that the $1,092 million impairment charge to goodwill relates to the former Sirona side. The 10-Q clearly states that the SEC investigation concerns "accounting and disclosures relating to transactions with a significant distributor of the Company." Which legacy significant distributor has recently had a falling out with the combined company? And if you think the investigation began because of the 10-Q or earnings release, I have a bridge you may be interested in.

That's a nice dream you folks are living, but the reality is that the $1,092 million impairment charge to goodwill relates to the former Sirona side. The 10-Q clearly states that the SEC investigation concerns "accounting and disclosures relating to transactions with a significant distributor of the Company." Which legacy significant distributor has recently had a falling out with the combined company? And if you think the investigation began because of the 10-Q or earnings release, I have a bridge you may be interested in.

This post is funny
So wrong on so many levels
"Liars clearly state"....
The investigation is because of a distributor? Lol
I'll take 2 bridges please