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Seattle respiratory region a bad place to work

district fast start meeting? what happened to the dsms they were stephaniebots with powerpoints. worthless boring meeting. all we got out of it was steph is racking up costs and airline miles.

Unfortunately, this is what our leadership has evolved in to. Can't wait to see her model a sales call to us. Come on Steph, just sell baby. You can do it. She can do it yes she can if Steph can't do it nobody can. Friggin clueless twit.
she doesn't even know what areas products treat. so it's dangerous to have her in territory. it is embarrassing to have her talk in the field. made 2 calls with her and it ended up in apologizes to drs and MA bcuz of her product incompetance & misleading promotion.

district fast start meeting? what happened to the dsms they were stephaniebots with powerpoints. worthless boring meeting. all we got out of it was steph is racking up costs and airline miles.
steph showed up 1 day early for the meeting.
hey where is everyone?????????????? I'm here to micromanage the meeting.

maybe she needs to learn organisational skills before being an AZ employee.
totally unorganized.twit. where's her concern about the $$spending....oh wait steph gets 1st class & pss's stay at the YMCA..

steph showed up 1 day early for the meeting.
hey where is everyone?????????????? I'm here to micromanage the meeting.

maybe she needs to learn organisational skills before being an AZ employee.
totally unorganized.twit. where's her concern about the $$spending....oh wait steph gets 1st class & pss's stay at the YMCA..

meeting was good once the door hit her big ass

meeting was good once the door hit her big ass

Why are you putting up with this bullshit. The only way to change AZ is to show these clueless twit up in front of leadership. Ask her product related or clinical disease state questions or ask her to show you how she would overcome an objection. But the problem is that most of those above her are just as clueless. The reason she micromanages activities is because she has no clue how to sell.

SD found a shiny new toy called powerpoint. thats why so many slides. never endured a meeting like this.
SD crashed us into an iceberg and now she hacking away with an ice pick until everyone is bludgeon'd to death.

If you don't have the guts to challenge her with serious business and product related questions then shut the fuck up because nothing is going to change. Pick your moment when someone more senior is in the room and ask her to demonstrate excellence to you. If she is coaching then she ought to be able to demonstrate. Don't let her wiggle out of it. Challenge her or shut up and continue to take it.

Bravo another stellar regional call. SD couldnt figure out how to mute the line. luckily someone told her how to mute her line or else the roaring laughter would have been heard throughout. how did she get to be a cbd she cant even use a phone

steph has ruined our region. shes not a leader in any way, only a micromanager. it is getting worse each quarter. reps are less engaged and motivated with each new tactic she deploys. no one trusts her, no one wants to work for her

steph has ruined our region. shes not a leader in any way, only a micromanager. it is getting worse each quarter. reps are less engaged and motivated with each new tactic she deploys. no one trusts her, no one wants to work for her

Try to picture Nancy Pelosi coaching the New England Patriots. That is the about how much respect we have for Steph's leadership ability. She contributes nothing to our Region.
All of her micromanaging is nothing more than recycled crap she has borrowed from her peers.

How do these toxic people get into leadership positions?

They get there by being toxic. AZ loves these types, particularly women. They are looking for the most ruthless who will compete for who can be the biggest bad ass in leadership.
Supporting and motivating people are seen as signs of weakness and harassing, bullying, and intimidating are seen as signs of strength. It is just the way it is and has been since the beginning of AZ.