Seattle Genetics

Good base between 120k & 150k depending on experence. They are targeting Genzyme people after the SA buy out.
Genzyme reps?? Are you kidding me?? Now there's a bunch of overpayed slackers with no lymphoma experience. Who in their right mind would want to hire them? The real target is DNAs Rituxan sales force.

what is happening here??? Havent heard anything after a phone interview a few weeks ago. anyone in sales force hired yet? if so, what was your experieince with interviewing?

Congrats....but why are you so full fo yourself? Karmas a bitch.

right about that. do know allot of folks who interviewed and they're awesome people. The interview's tough and objective. Don't count yourself out if your waiting....they are interviewing allot of people and some territories will be filled while others will take more time. good luck and know that if you made it to the face to face you are excellent whatever the outcome.