Seana Carson, Dark Mistress of Compliance

Can you elaborate as to why Philidor was her fault, specifically? There are on going investigations and lawsuits. She should be personally sued if she knowingly violated her fiduciary duty,

She is still on the radar for many lawsuits and may be disbarred for blatant violations she ignored or failed to report. The FBI is very interested in her.

Eating garbage under a bridge is too good for her, maybe she will end up cell mates with that ghislain maxwell woman,

Seana may have been the cockroach that survived the nuclear holocaust but she will not survive the next wave coming. She is going to wish she had taken the package because Christina and Joe hate two faced freckle faced backstabbing cowards.

Seana may have been the cockroach that survived the nuclear holocaust but she will not survive the next wave coming. She is going to wish she had taken the package because Christina and Joe hate two faced freckle faced backstabbing cowards.

Mike should’ve canned her ass for the material weakness in compliance report and the ‘incident’ in Vermont yet she survived and then the minute Joe came in she badmouthed those who helped her. Cellmate with Ghislain Maxwell is a hilarious and perfect punishment.

Mike should’ve canned her ass for the material weakness in compliance report and the ‘incident’ in Vermont yet she survived and then the minute Joe came in she badmouthed those who helped her. Cellmate with Ghislain Maxwell is a hilarious and perfect punishment.

I still don't think the U.S. government is going to do anything against this Canadian company. In many ways this Canadian company is a direct reflection of the problems the U.S. faces. Both have massive amounts of debt, plagued with corruption, greed, and fraud. Corporate America and the big banks own the U.S. government. Maybe the U.S. government will intervene if it makes sense on a political front or if corporate America wants them to. Society is too busy running around wearing bandanas and scarfs around their faces to care or notice. It's sad. I bet the U.S. balloons to 40 trillion in debt before it is reduced to 20 trillion. Nobody seems to really care.

I still don't think the U.S. government is going to do anything against this Canadian company. In many ways this Canadian company is a direct reflection of the problems the U.S. faces. Both have massive amounts of debt, plagued with corruption, greed, and fraud. Corporate America and the big banks own the U.S. government. Maybe the U.S. government will intervene if it makes sense on a political front or if corporate America wants them to. Society is too busy running around wearing bandanas and scarfs around their faces to care or notice. It's sad. I bet the U.S. balloons to 40 trillion in debt before it is reduced to 20 trillion. Nobody seems to really care.

I would agree with you except that everyone was sure interested in VRX during the last US election. I think, even more now, listening in on the calls at work, BHC is very "American" I think they should leave Canada all together. I don't think there is even a Canadian on the board or management anymore? Regardless, Seana took a selfish crap on the company pulled a shiyt and run and needs to be held accountable. She is very much on the radar of the second wave of lawsuits, and lucky for us, Christina is more than happy to tire her to the train tracks as the locomotative approaches. We are going into an election this year, so I can see things heating up for us again, especially if we sell Salix, also, fyi, it's Salix up for sale, not Derm.

shit show seana is out of compliance and not in the US anymore. she's been exiled to canada hq and no one likes her there either, she is a tainted rag, a mean, old, jealous evil dirty hag.

Yeah, what’s the incident in Vermont?

wait, you don't know that in 2013, 2014 you were selling in vermont wihout a licnese? did shit show seanan or lanudry lady lindari forget to mention it when they were louis vuitton shopping?

There were egregious legal violations inlcuding sunshine act ones. cant beleive you dont know but then again laine lizard and nazi arthole you really don't know jack do you? or joe papa...losers,

So many laws broken, but hey seana testified to the FBI so she was forgiven, rights?

So what, so what? I'll tell you WHAT. For the last 8 years all she does is bad mouth everybody, even those who are good for the company just so she can get them fired. For no reason other than that she blabbed about others to that person, and they got something on her. classic narcissist. she has no right to call people stupid or ugly...she's horrible and worse, many great people have been lost because of her gossip. that's a big problem. Let's not forget the COMPLIANCE MATERIAL WEAKNESS REPORT AND INVESTIGATION OR HER ROLE IN PHILIDOR where does she get off calling joe fat and stupid and old or calling Christina a dumb blonde who is obsessed with her boyfriend to a point that she cant focus on the work. seana is a nasty piece of sh*t and SHE started this, she should have left people alone and let them do their work. so, you can go find the many, multiple recordings where she goes on about mgmt. how stupid everyone is, etc. Tage is not stupid, Bill Humphries is not breaking the law and Thomas Appio has good reason to hate her, she's spreading rumours he's having affairs at work. Time to let this toxic dump be dumped.


wait, you don't know that in 2013, 2014 you were selling in vermont wihout a licnese? did shit show seanan or lanudry lady lindari forget to mention it when they were louis vuitton shopping?

There were egregious legal violations inlcuding sunshine act ones. cant beleive you dont know but then again laine lizard and nazi arthole you really don't know jack do you? or joe papa...losers,

So many laws broken, but hey seana testified to the FBI so she was forgiven, rights?[/QUOTE

never forget

Mike should’ve canned her ass for the material weakness in compliance report and the ‘incident’ in Vermont yet she survived and then the minute Joe came in she badmouthed those who helped her. Cellmate with Ghislain Maxwell is a hilarious and perfect punishment.

funny comparing her to maxwell add scott to epstein and here you have it