Sean Lennon


Sean Lennon from Allergan came here to Medtronic - and is creaing mass confusion here in IT.

What was he like at Allergan? He claism he 'implented world-class IT' at Allergan.

Any feedback?

Sean Lennon knows as much about implementing world-class IT as John Lennon of the Beatles!

Sean is a stuffed shirt with a background in data centers; he is a smooth-talking con-man.

He was thrown out of Novartis, and lucked out into the Allergan job - and reduced Allergan IT into a bottom-feeding dump.

Watch your back.

Sean Lennon from Allergan came here to Medtronic - and is creaing mass confusion here in IT.

What was he like at Allergan? He claism he 'implented world-class IT' at Allergan.

Any feedback?

Sean Lennon from Allergan came here to Medtronic - and is creaing mass confusion here in IT.

What was he like at Allergan? He claism he 'implented world-class IT' at Allergan.

Any feedback?

Sean is clueless; smooth-talking bullshitter. Fired from Novartis, tricked his way into Allergan. He has a poor track record on executing his grandiose plans.

He does create mass confusion. Hopefully, Medtronic will exit him soon, before he can cause much damage.

Sean Lennon from Allergan came here to Medtronic - and is creaing mass confusion here in IT.

What was he like at Allergan? He claism he 'implented world-class IT' at Allergan.

Any feedback?

Whoa! Sean is just another condescending European/ Brit who is all form and no function. Where Sean goes, mass IT confusion follows. Run for cover and keep away from him as much as you can. And, whatever you do, do not react visibly to his grandiose statements - if he sees you as a threatm he will hunt you down and eliminate you as part of 'restructuring/downsizing/streamlining' and 'Lennon-sizing'

Sean Lennon from Allergan came here to Medtronic - and is creaing mass confusion here in IT.

What was he like at Allergan? He claism he 'implented world-class IT' at Allergan.

Any feedback?

Oh my! Sean has a grand vision but rarely delivers on it. He comes across more as an individual contributor rather than as a leader of people. He does know how to survive - watch your collective backs and start looking elsewhere for jobs. Sorry for your predicament.

Oh my! Sean has a grand vision but rarely delivers on it. He comes across more as an individual contributor rather than as a leader of people. He does know how to survive - watch your collective backs and start looking elsewhere for jobs. Sorry for your predicament.

Having worked with Sean in the past, I can say that he does have rather grand ambitions, which is OK for a visionary leader; however, where he falls short is on Execution. If he can hire high-performers (rather than old cronies), and let them excel, they will execute for him ... unfortunately, high-performers tend to shy away from Sean

Sean Lennon from Allergan came here to Medtronic - and is creaing mass confusion here in IT.

What was he like at Allergan? He claism he 'implented world-class IT' at Allergan.

Any feedback?

Our MDT Business Leaders are evaluating Sean with a somewhat critical eye - they are not not entirely convinced Sean is a positive cultural fit for us. Yes, we need chnage in IT, but how that change is executed is of vital import - Sean's Leadership style & approach to problem-solving has yet to generate value dividends.

In short, Sean is on a short leash and likely headed for the exits in 6-9 months; our ELT is delaying his directives until we replace him. Unfortunately, this manifests as IT delays ...

I don't believe Sean is on a tight leash at all. He has destroyed the Medtronic IT. He clearly has an issue with the Director of I/O and because of that is on Wave 3 of layoffs, probably will outsource our network, and now is demanding Work Activity Analysis JUST from I/O. Even if he is shown the door a few months into 2022, he's left a disaster behind that will take 3 yrs to clean up. Martha and Lennon need to go.

Sean is a strong leader who is clear on his direction and remains true to his word! He was upfront about what he wanted to do and executed it, which is more than other executives at Medtronic who never deliver on their commitments. He put IT on a new trajectory which many trolls are unhappy about. Change is hard but in Medtronic was necessary.

Bully who has no leadership acumen and seen him make people on his team cry in meetings due to his bully tactics. Has no sense of what Valuing Differences means and has made remarks that are downright bigoted.