Scott bailing?

To those in the field. Pay very close attention to the goings on here in SD. There may not be formal announcements but A LOT is going on behind the scenes. The field gets shielded from things because they are not in house. Don't get caught flat footed.

The thought that he is bailing and that CP has the inside track is so silly. If he were leaving you would know it immediately. You think a company of 200 people could keep that quiet for more than a day. Company is also required immediately disclose that info as it is publically traded.
Try again. You guys are always looking for the drama. It's priceless.

Did you know he was also recruited into the CIA after college. He helped run guns with Oliver North in Nicaragua. Of course, its classified but I have it from a very reliable source.

The thought that he is bailing and that CP has the inside track is so silly. If he were leaving you would know it immediately. You think a company of 200 people could keep that quiet for more than a day. Company is also required immediately disclose that info as it is publically traded.
Try again. You guys are always looking for the drama. It's priceless.

Did you know he was also recruited into the CIA after college. He helped run guns with Oliver North in Nicaragua. Of course, its classified but I have it from a very reliable source.

You're such a manipulative narcissist for trying to make everyone believe everything is ok. MORE reps resigned this week. How many reps is that so far? That has to be the one record that Cadence has broken...highest % of turnover of reps in first year of company.

The thought that he is bailing and that CP has the inside track is so silly. If he were leaving you would know it immediately. You think a company of 200 people could keep that quiet for more than a day. Company is also required immediately disclose that info as it is publically traded.
Try again. You guys are always looking for the drama. It's priceless.

Did you know he was also recruited into the CIA after college. He helped run guns with Oliver North in Nicaragua. Of course, its classified but I have it from a very reliable source.

Hey idiot
No one said he left already, then that would be reported. He will be leaving and this place is in big trouble. You know that already, yes you do. Right?

You're such a manipulative narcissist for trying to make everyone believe everything is ok. MORE reps resigned this week. How many reps is that so far? That has to be the one record that Cadence has broken...highest % of turnover of reps in first year of company.

Who left then? What are their names? Who really gives a shit if they're names are here, they're gone, they'll be at another company. Name them, asshole.

i heard he left last month but left digital recordings that are played at high volume in his office with the door closed so the staff thinks he is really there

he is like the dj wolf man jack

There have been a few others that just resigned. Just continue to watch weekly numbers and you will see vacant by the names. Call into home office when you get a chance as if you were not an employee. This is a real eye opener! Talk about ghost town! Have fun trying to get a live person to answer your question. Scary stuff

There have been a few others that just resigned. Just continue to watch weekly numbers and you will see vacant by the names. Call into home office when you get a chance as if you were not an employee. This is a real eye opener! Talk about ghost town! Have fun trying to get a live person to answer your question. Scary stuff

Wrong! We're out in the field helping address all the ever increasing inquiries about our product.

Who left then? What are their names? Who really gives a shit if they're names are here, they're gone, they'll be at another company. Name them, asshole.

Boston, Tampa, West virgina, etc., asshole! Just look at the rankings that were sent out last night. Every week there are more OPEN territories, asshole. So, asshole, find something else to lie about you manipulative, narcissistic, piece of shit!!!

Boston, Tampa, West virgina, etc., asshole! Just look at the rankings that were sent out last night. Every week there are more OPEN territories, asshole. So, asshole, find something else to lie about you manipulative, narcissistic, piece of shit!!!

In any company there will be turnover, but my best reps will persevere. Hang in there, I believe in you.

You're such a manipulative narcissist for trying to make everyone believe everything is ok. MORE reps resigned this week. How many reps is that so far? That has to be the one record that Cadence has broken...highest % of turnover of reps in first year of company.[/QUOTE

Turnover is especially high in the Southeast Region...where it's ruled by a short, rude, condescending dictator and his minion managers.

Your best reps ARE looking thanks to your corporate welfare program.

My best people are not leaving. Look at the latest rankings, just a couple openings where people couldn't meet the challenge. Now, think about the group of people we honored at our recent NSM, all of them are here and many are going to Hawaii with me in June. Stop your whining and work your territory and you to can succeed. This is only the beginning.