Schutta: PFE Connect called….they want you back


He thinks that because a pediatric nurse or office manager will take a phone call to place a regularly occurring monthly order that other HCPs will stop to chat on the phone?
He needs field exposure and common sense

He thinks that because a pediatric nurse or office manager will take a phone call to place a regularly occurring monthly order that other HCPs will stop to chat on the phone?
He needs field exposure and common sense
Look up “Goodhart’s Law” and other examples on Wikipedia. Describes perfectly how the sales force is measured. Create meaningless but easy to count (or manipulate) measures. Then bellow about poor performance even while the dear metrics are met

Look up “Goodhart’s Law” and other examples on Wikipedia. Describes perfectly how the sales force is measured. Create meaningless but easy to count (or manipulate) measures. Then bellow about poor performance even while the dear metrics are met
Yup. Too bad they don’t use same metric for Managers! Really bad management at Pfizer Pfun!

Bad management is an understatement. These DEI hires are running the company into the ground. Reps are leaving as fast as they can. The micromanagement is insane here.

Answer the phone……they want you back.
He did what he was told to do...sell PFE Connect to the rest of the organization. I'm sure that you have noticed that the "3 Senior Leaders" that pushed out this concept...have all moved into different areas of the organization. They said one thing was going to happen during BM3...and something different happened. Go figure...

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