Schering dead wood

Merck reps are on average are "non independent" thinking robots. They like to implement centralized ideas. They have no entrepreniership because Merck culture steals that away. Merck policy tells you how to "wipe your ass".....and why you should appreciate their policies on why you need to wipe your ass.....

I love the voicemails from Merck reps sincerely breaking down the competency pillars like the pillars are of real business substance....They speak like they will lead to increase in market share. People who enjoy the pillars should be working for the IRS........

I am a SP legacy rep and the worst day at Schering is better than my best day at Merck.

I have had several job offers, but I am waiting for my stock options in 2012 before I bail.

P.S my friend who works for a fortune 500 and looked at the 4 pillars and laughed his ass off.....saying dude you don't have a sales job anyone....
Better not count those chickens quite yet. The share price trend is making those options less and less valuable with each passing month.

"I am a SP legacy rep and the worst day at Schering is better than my best day at Merck.'

So true! The Schering culture was all about empowering reps...especially in the pre-Hassan days. No obsession over policies, which only paralyze you. Admin tasks (like expense reports) were simplistic. Bonus plans were easy to understand, set up to motivate, and paid out quarterly (to further motivate). The allocation of samples was not scrutinized to the point of absurdity. Lunches were called lunches, and not "rep facilitated meetings" (give me a break!) Snacks were routinely used to build relationships and goodwill, both in offices as well as in pharmacies...whereas at Merck, even coffee and donuts are called RFM' pathetic! Pathetic is the best word to describe Merck. And this "competencies" model for assessing reps is the straw that breaks the camel's back. I'm too old to start over, and only staying to either get a payout or soon retire (whichever comes first). But if I was young, I wouldn't waste another day at this place!

Will future layoffs give Merck employees any advantage? Dont think it matters. SP or Merck might all be in the same pool to go.????????

Who knows. If an outside company will look at objective measures, and CTM's have no say (other than whatever "people scores" they have assigned to you in past performance ratings), then everyone should be on equal footing. But if CTM's have any input as to "who goes, who stays", then Merck reps may very well have an advantage.

This company is a joke. Name another company where Primary Care, Specialty, Vaccine and Hospital Reps all are considered "lateral moves?" Wake up people your no more than a Customer Service Rep with this company. There are no career pathways left in the field. Your just a number.....and a letter. S1, S2 and S3.

The former Merck CFO had it right but the fact that those sentiments were last heard from HQ 10 years ago shows you how much the mighty (and straight talk) has fallen.

The former Merck CFO, Judy Lewent, must knew something we did not. She cashed out a few millions of her stock options and retired before all these massive layoffs started to happen. I think about the same time Dick "ascended" to his throne as the CEO.

Merck is a company full of secrets.
Products don't matter and "goals" mean nothing.
Dulara is crap and they all knew it going in. So, the next best thing is jack up the target knowing damn well it can't be reached.
Everything is a confusing mess, just try and look anything up. It takes you three days to find what your looking for.
There is a lag in data, so truly no rep has a clue what there client is prescribing.
Expenses are truly an all day event.
Contract reps are getting more products but Merck tells you not to discuss anything with them. (Helpful)
But it's true if you don't like it here then leave, they owe you nothing. It's easier to make you miserable and hope you leave on your own.

But knowone should leave just yet. If they owe you nothing then you owe them nothing. Wait the storm out. This merger is going into it's 2nd year and it's still a mess. Don't leave your severance check on the table. Question everything. Believe it or not you have the right to question but instead of bitching about it we all should have the balls to act on it.
It doesn't matter if your Merck or S-P we are all getting shit on.

My, my, tsk, tsk....such animosity.
I worked for Merck for 30 years, retired 4 years ago.
And yes....I retired a millionaire plus++++!!!!
Oh, Im off to the Caribbean while you all squirm and bite the hand that feeds you.
It was once a great company; the reason Merck is no longer great is you all--look in the mirror--yes YOU!!!!
Get to work and stop bitching. You should all be glad you have a job in these difficult times!!!
buh bye!!

If you truly are a 30 year Merck employee, leaving 4 years ago, you have no idea how things have gone downhill since then.

Actually, things started going downhill more than 4 yrs ago, but you probably never noticed. They were probably just leaving you alone until you retired - and breathed a sigh of relief when you left!

Ass hole

They were probably just leaving you alone until you retired - and breathed a sigh of relief when you left!

The primary difference being displayed by Mother since you left is that, were you still here, they would have eliminated your position (to save a bit on your pension and other benefits, as well as your (presumably higher) salary.

Mother is feeding on her older children in a fantastical attempt to shore up the short-term financials.

Glad you made out well. It is the folk like you that made (the old) Mother a wonderful, well-respected great company to work for. Unfortunately, it's now a wart on the ass of the current Senior Executives.

My, my, tsk, tsk, so gay...
I worked for Merck as a janitor for 40 years and retired just now.
and yes....I retired with 10 bucks in pocket+++!!!
Oh, I'm off to Iowa while you all squirm from my hand that once cleaned up after you!
It was once a great place to clean; the reason it's not great anymore is you all--look in that broken mirror--yes YOU!!! you bastards!
Get to work and stop throwing garbage on the floor. You all should be glad the floors are so clean in such difficult times!!!
buh bye shitbags!!!

My, my, tsk, tsk....such animosity.
I worked for Merck for 30 years, retired 4 years ago.
And yes....I retired a millionaire plus++++!!!!
Oh, Im off to the Caribbean while you all squirm and bite the hand that feeds you.
It was once a great company; the reason Merck is no longer great is you all--look in the mirror--yes YOU!!!!
Get to work and stop bitching. You should all be glad you have a job in these difficult times!!!
buh bye!!

You are totally clueless as to why Merck, as well as this entire industry, is in the dumps. You got by on a lot of luck during your 30 year career. Hope you can manage your finances better than you can assess the business they say, "easy come, easy go". BTW, I'm not a punk, I'm a veteran rep myself (close to retirement)...but the difference between me and you is that I am informed. Now get on that plane and hope it doesn't crash...."buh bye".

OP you are a Mrk tool bag! Mrk is the worst in the market! I asked to be cut from this shit company and they shit on me a keep me. I'm back in a real job now not the service rep BS you are doing. Very few Mrk tool bags can eat what they kill. Better hope mother keeps u and the rest of the customer service tool!

My two Merck hospital counterparts road together and worked until lunch time and then they were gone. They didn't have self confidence to seperate and cover more accounts in one day. They were always doing lunches and appointments together. It went on this way for two years with their manager's approval. Now that sure sounds like a good business model platform to benchmark from? Merck rep's were not held to the same level of accountability on a daily basis. Now look at you...

My two Merck hospital counterparts road together and worked until lunch time and then they were gone. They didn't have self confidence to separate and cover more accounts in one day. They were always doing lunches and appointments together. It went on this way for two years with their manager's approval. Now that sure sounds like a good business model platform to benchmark from? Merck rep's were not held to the same level of accountability on a daily basis. Now look at you...

My two primary care Barbie colleagues do exactly the same. Riding together and doing lunches together. When they are not riding together, they individually want to join you for lunches. But they never share theirs with you. After awhile I learn to accept it to keep peace. But I know it is another indication why Merck is going down the drain.

Three of the four SP reps I know are better than a lot of Merck reps. One is just waiting for his payoff when he's cut. Work is not his thing. The SP DMs? Egos are out of touch with reality.


The SP reps are real people, for the most part, not wind-up dolls like the Merck reps. Regarding the "so-called" leadership, it's a push. I have not seen a single manager in this company, before or after the merger, that is up to the task. Same statement applies for the shills above them.

Does it really matter who's working and who isn't? Merck knows what its doing to you and the robots are starting to see the light. They will soon realize it's all false hope. This isn't a career it's a curse. If everyone turns their backs on the company and I mean the entire sales force the company has nothing to hold onto. Instead of talking about it here people need to do something. Courage and Candor, if thats what they want then everyone should voice it without being afraid to do so. That indeed would be Merck's worst fear if the leader lost control of their people.