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SB Rumors that turned out to be BS!

Yes thanks SB
this place is turning into a complete hell hole. Staff being moved around for no clear reason (suspect re-leveling) . New roles coming out of nowhere with no definition but thanks bb it is business as usual. Keep delivering while we outsource non core functions (still don't know what these are) while we insist that our newly created jobs are much needed and great opportunities, just to line us up for the next rif. It takes real talent to be such a-holes, and sure let's wait another year to get the boot.

The range of 650 to 1100 will be determined on attrition rate and plans for further outsourcing, Amgen will not back fill many positions which could off-set some job loss in 2015, the cuts will also be based on what happens with CV, with IVA looking less and less favorable and EVO challenges many of the hired CV reps could be gone within the year and OBU and INBU downsizing continues, the cuts will continue to deepen in R&D, med affairs out-sourcing options are being evaluated at present and much will be pushed out, final piece is Onyx, planned Onyx job losses will off-set some of the job losses at Amgen but that number is still unclear, HR and Employment law are working on formulas now for who will stay and who will go, - SB

How is it possible to outsource medical affairs at a science-based company? So you push all the accountability to a CSO? Outsourcing MA and Regulatory are two of the worst ideas I've ever heard.

How is it possible to outsource medical affairs at a science-based company? So you push all the accountability to a CSO? Outsourcing MA and Regulatory are two of the worst ideas I've ever heard.

At some point the trend in the US might be to outsource most jobs. So we all become contractors with no benefits.

any info on timeframe for lay offs? Same as this year around October 2015 or some early next year and then some more by year's end?

Thanks for the tips

There will be two phases with one planned for april and one for october with both being delivered just in advance of earnings calls for the prior quarter, for med affairs they are looking at med writing, med communications and even some rml functions, - SB

There will be two phases with one planned for april and one for october with both being delivered just in advance of earnings calls for the prior quarter, for med affairs they are looking at med writing, med communications and even some rml functions, - SB

Thanks SB any idea where stats, data management, stats programming, study management will fall into, April vs Oct?

The range of 650 to 1100 will be determined on attrition rate and plans for further outsourcing, Amgen will not back fill many positions which could off-set some job loss in 2015, the cuts will also be based on what happens with CV, with IVA looking less and less favorable and EVO challenges many of the hired CV reps could be gone within the year and OBU and INBU downsizing continues, the cuts will continue to deepen in R&D, med affairs out-sourcing options are being evaluated at present and much will be pushed out, final piece is Onyx, planned Onyx job losses will off-set some of the job losses at Amgen but that number is still unclear, HR and Employment law are working on formulas now for who will stay and who will go, - SB

I accepted an offer with CV. I do not know who "SB" is but is there a possibility of IVA not getting approved (why less and less favorable) and what EVO challenges are you speaking to? Thank you SB

There will be two phases with one planned for april and one for october with both being delivered just in advance of earnings calls for the prior quarter, for med affairs they are looking at med writing, med communications and even some rml functions, - SB

Thanks SB. How much will INBU be affected?

"If you don't believe this company will do all of those things you simply don't want to believe the truth, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior"

Can't argue with the facts! Nuff said.

SB takes a hint of truth and runs away with it and creates his "worst case scenario" prophecy. Case in point. Prolia team will be adding CSO to help supplement efforts with EVO in 2015. SBs story was that by mid 2015 the Bone Team would be completely CSO which is dead wrong. Bone team alive and well and not going anywhere. Sorry to dissappoint the haters. Maybe one day you will stop routing for Amgen to fail.

SB takes a hint of truth and runs away with it and creates his "worst case scenario" prophecy. Case in point. Prolia team will be adding CSO to help supplement efforts with EVO in 2015. SBs story was that by mid 2015 the Bone Team would be completely CSO which is dead wrong. Bone team alive and well and not going anywhere. Sorry to dissappoint the haters. Maybe one day you will stop routing for Amgen to fail.

You should at least get your facts in order, and last I looked at the calendar it was Q4 2014 not mid 2015. Use whatever coping mechanism needed to convince yourself they care. The CSO was predicted and hired, the downgrading of the RD's was predicted and happened, the VTP and RIF dates and numbers were predicted and were accurate, the future 2015 RIF was predicted and just recently communicated by the CEO. The major portion of that change will be the BHBU, they are moving to contract for Prolia, no new indications, no sig changes and it's believed the product will continue to grow with CSO sales only. You will be converted to CSO or let go, along with several hundred others, I wish i was wrong, - SB

You should at least get your facts in order, and last I looked at the calendar it was Q4 2014 not mid 2015. Use whatever coping mechanism needed to convince yourself they care. The CSO was predicted and hired, the downgrading of the RD's was predicted and happened, the VTP and RIF dates and numbers were predicted and were accurate, the future 2015 RIF was predicted and just recently communicated by the CEO. The major portion of that change will be the BHBU, they are moving to contract for Prolia, no new indications, no sig changes and it's believed the product will continue to grow with CSO sales only. You will be converted to CSO or let go, along with several hundred others, I wish i was wrong, - SB

yup. nothing untrue here. tough times. maybe someday we'll turn it back around.

SB takes a hint of truth and runs away with it and creates his "worst case scenario" prophecy. Case in point. Prolia team will be adding CSO to help supplement efforts with EVO in 2015. SBs story was that by mid 2015 the Bone Team would be completely CSO which is dead wrong. Bone team alive and well and not going anywhere. Sorry to dissappoint the haters. Maybe one day you will stop routing for Amgen to fail.

Are you new here?

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