Say It Ain't So

Losers say what?

To the excrement who wrote the above,

Who proclaims to be the best sales person around? Would that be the manager who always sold better than any of its representatives? The only losers are the ones trapped working for you and the rest of the excrement management. You lie to us, lie about us, and give us questionable direction, if any at all. You lie to your own manager, and then blame us for your shortcomings. Give me a break with your sad excuse for a rationale. You and your ilk are the problem with Watson, not the "loser" representatives.

Been there and done that.

1. Abbosh was not shot in the head. 2. He was not a "nice or decent guy", he was a jerk that got caught "with his pants down" and was fired. 3. He was a lousy motivator that only care about himself and was responsible for ruining a significant number of former Watson employees. I feel sorry for his family, but I am glad he is dead and gone. What goes around, come around. Amen.

2 questions - where was the fatal entry wound if not the cranium? What do you mean by caught "with his pants down?"

Losers say what?

Definition of "Loser" is any unsuspecting person who bought the interview lies and agreed to work for Watson, later found out the truth that there is no real chance for bonus, and now continues to be abused by the excrement that masquerades as "management." Doing that to one's life should definitely qualify as a loss.

Definition of "Loser" is any unsuspecting person who bought the interview lies and agreed to work for Watson, later found out the truth that there is no real chance for bonus, and now continues to be abused by the excrement that masquerades as "management." Doing that to one's life should definitely qualify as a loss.

Truer words were never spoken, this says it all. What cesspool dreck inhabits this company. I despise this shithole and the wop that runs it!