Saw on Amylin Board; any truth?

Sir, I do not want to be arrogant or nuffin, but you are under an illusion. You see, we at Lilly employ a better class of person in terms of education and integrity, then with this superior cloth we cut a better suit through superior training. I am not saying we are better at 'everything', but we are certainly superior at most things. This is not a matter of debate, it is clear sir!

You had me until you made a mistake in grammar. When people get the holier than thou attitude, you should make sure your english is proper. "we at Lilly employ a better class of person" Person should not be singular, so therefore, you are a douche. You ARE better at making an ass out of yourself.

Besides, any person that uses the word "nuffin" (Which, by the way, is not a word in the english language.) should be slapped. I offer you another word kind sir.... "douchbaggery" found in the english urban dictionary. You sir, must be guilty of at least 6 of the following definitions.....

douchebaggery: adj.
The greatest word of all time, simple yet pleasing in its onomatopoeic beauty. For one to commit douchebaggery, he/she is not limited to but may include some or perhaps all of the following behaviors:

- the wearing of flat-billed baseball caps backwards
- using an enormous amount of gel to spike the hair porcupine style
- wearing polo shirts or any other type of shirt with the collar popped, a disgusting gesture that should've died in the 1980s with parachute pants
- the sideways peace sign gesture
- overdone pursing of the lips
- too many visits to the tanning salon
- pointing at oneself, holding up beer cans, or making other obscenely immature gestures in solo or group photos
- following trends for the sake of fitting in (see "goatee")
- adding "The" or the suffix "-ster" to one's name, as in "The Rickster"

Response to a post asking about Mike Quattro, VP Marketing at Amylin...

"No, that was Mohammed Khoso Baluch of Lilly.The pig,womaiser. He promised Amylin that BYETTA sales would go through the roof with the TV Advertising. Khoso and his gal pal Paula Garrett, Ms. 36 hour erection, really screwed things up. Perhaps if Amylin Marketing forced her to take off her sunglasses during meetings, they would have seen the "lie in her eye". Despite AMLN showing proof it would flop, Lilly still forced it down our throats -- +$40 million down the crapper.

Quattro was shown the door the day Mighty Joe Young joined Amylin. About 6 months later, Jaime Nassar was also given the boot.

Lilly is 50.1% more to blame for Byetta'a failure in the market. In addition to the aforementioned, the names to blame include Santini, Cooley, Gambino, Warner, Schuler, the genius that gave us Delta Burke, Vondle, et al. In the meantime, the Amylin Marketing Team has been turned over to newbies.

And now, we get to sell the boner pill -- what a gift!" yes!!
