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San Diego Launch sucked the life out of everyone

These stories are funny, but in actuality very sad. The people in charge need to take some leadership and motivational classes. It's been proven that after a certain amount of time in a classroom or a meeting, people phase out and retain no pertinent info. Everyone is under pressure(Thin White Duke) to make this drug successful. You can feel the sense of panic and desperation in the air. Good leadership tries to eliminate that toxic atmosphere. Unfortunately, in today's climate, employees will do whatever they're told and not challenge what they know is totally dysfunctional. This goes for all mismanaged companies.

These stories are funny, but in actuality very sad. The people in charge need to take some leadership and motivational classes. It's been proven that after a certain amount of time in a classroom or a meeting, people phase out and retain no pertinent info. Everyone is under pressure(Thin White Duke) to make this drug successful. You can feel the sense of panic and desperation in the air. Good leadership tries to eliminate that toxic atmosphere. Unfortunately, in today's climate, employees will do whatever they're told and not challenge what they know is totally dysfunctional. This goes for all mismanaged companies.

I heard one thing there

See it Believe it Fight for it

I'm going to fight for eliminating the sense of panic and desperation.
Its time for the DMs to trust & let us do what we do best --sell.

I heard one thing there

See it Believe it Fight for it

I'm going to fight for eliminating the sense of panic and desperation.
Its time for the DMs to trust & let us do what we do best --sell.

The WORST was at the end with "I FEEL GOOD" that is when they lost everyone. They don't get it. That stuff isn't motivational . People were tires/ exhauseted and just wanted to leave.

The WORST was at the end with "I FEEL GOOD" that is when they lost everyone. They don't get it. That stuff isn't motivational . People were tires/ exhauseted and just wanted to leave.

OUr RBD was rolling his eyes and ready to leave at the end. He told us to get up and go before Robin was finished and we did.

The schedule was crazy and it backfired big.

See it, beleive it, fight for it! I see that I am being overworked and underappreciated and underpaid, I beleive it and I am going to fight for it by staying home 3 days a week and workig the other two 4 hours each.