Sally Saba and her DIE team: the best grift going at MDT


In case you're interested, a couple of her directs are on salaries of over $350K a year. It's a great gig if you can get it.


Do podcasts and post on LinkedIn.

Send out notifications for training about Unconscious Bias every single year, over and over.

Just be present so we can use you as a defence if we get any bad PR related to race.

"Consult" in HR matters involving diverse people that might sue us (i.e. turn up to a meeting, give your opinions, and then leave with no action item of your own). Tell everyone that whatever is going on is definitely racial or a result of intergenerational trauma.

Create more ERGs for increasingly minority groups, such as Native American Rainbow People.

Try and force quotas into existing processes any way that you can, despite the Harvard ruling. Get angry because merit goes back to being a consideration.

Intervene in RIFs to redline and find ways to save diverse people over more qualified and better performing individuals, especially if they are white males. "Coach" managers to work through their bias and see that diverse people are better for the job.

"Consult" with leaders about the diversity of their direct reports and push for that 30% racially diverse leadership goal. Yes, that is the goal.

Insert "diverse" into every possible presentation and LinkedIn post: this is more important than actually being profitable.

More podcasts.


Ability to hide your overt racism as much as possible. Avoid those pesky lawsuits from white men.

Knowledge of podcasting and hashtags.

Keen sense of victimhood, bitterness and scapegoating others. This is more important than academic qualifications or business acumen.


It's a racist and vile ideology these "anti-racists" follow.

They literally become racist and sexist to fight racism and sexism. They create mythical problems to solve with their pre existing desired outcome. There is no wide spread systemic racism and disparities exist so don't blame white men is my biggest point. F off with that blame whitey BS.

So it’s discriminatory to not consider somebody for a position due to their skin color, gender and sexual orientation….

But it’s not discriminatory to hire and promote for a position due to skin color, gender and sexual orientation…?

I guess the answer is “It depends”

Isn’t that right DEI folks? Interesting to see the STEM program, there’s one for blacks, Latinos, women, and “pride”
Had a boss sign up for that STEM program and looks like he’s gonna be promoted for being a minority even though he’s dead last in sales across the nation for his entire OU.

Geoff and Sally on LinkedIn want to make me puke. Geoff is so proud of his grifting DEI hires that receive fake engineering awards and base their entire racial ideology on lies.

And of course Sally culturally appropriates valentines day into a LGBTQ holiday.

If they spend a fraction of this energy in their engineering labs seeing what's going on, we would be so much better off.

In case you're interested, a couple of her directs are on salaries of over $350K a year. It's a great gig if you can get it.


Do podcasts and post on LinkedIn.

Send out notifications for training about Unconscious Bias every single year, over and over.

Just be present so we can use you as a defence if we get any bad PR related to race.

"Consult" in HR matters involving diverse people that might sue us (i.e. turn up to a meeting, give your opinions, and then leave with no action item of your own). Tell everyone that whatever is going on is definitely racial or a result of intergenerational trauma.

Create more ERGs for increasingly minority groups, such as Native American Rainbow People.

Try and force quotas into existing processes any way that you can, despite the Harvard ruling. Get angry because merit goes back to being a consideration.

Intervene in RIFs to redline and find ways to save diverse people over more qualified and better performing individuals, especially if they are white males. "Coach" managers to work through their bias and see that diverse people are better for the job.

"Consult" with leaders about the diversity of their direct reports and push for that 30% racially diverse leadership goal. Yes, that is the goal.

Insert "diverse" into every possible presentation and LinkedIn post: this is more important than actually being profitable.

More podcasts.


Ability to hide your overt racism as much as possible. Avoid those pesky lawsuits from white men.

Knowledge of podcasting and hashtags.

Keen sense of victimhood, bitterness and scapegoating others. This is more important than academic qualifications or business acumen.

How about you post the org char and circle them for us?
We get it.... a lot of time, energy, and resources are spent on ERGs and DIE but what is the point of your post?

The point of the post is that this bullshit gets absolute laser focus while the entire company burns down on an almost hourly basis around us. Make sense?

This accomplishes absolutely nothing. Go troll them on LinkedIn (with an alias account), post the org chart or just do something other than finger point with vague hyperbole and sparse detail.

This accomplishes absolutely nothing. Go troll them on LinkedIn (with an alias account), post the org chart or just do something other than finger point with vague hyperbole and sparse detail.

You don't need the org chart, dumbass. It's in Workday and in your Outlook and anyone can see it if they want to. What more information do you need besides the people being her directs? Moron.

You don't need the org chart, dumbass. It's in Workday and in your Outlook and anyone can see it if they want to. What more information do you need besides the people being her directs? Moron.

All you ever see is DEI bullshit on workday.
It's sick, unmotivating and makes me hate my job every day as an "evil" white male.

It's a load of bullshit.

Listen to my words:

White male? RIF?
Question who is left behind after you. Does it make sense?
There's an email trail on that decision
Discrimination lawyers advertise in <a state>

Yes, it is a thing.

Listen to my words:

White male? RIF?
Question who is left behind after you. Does it make sense?
There's an email trail on that decision
Discrimination lawyers advertise in <a state>

Yes, it is a thing.
I have personally. The worst of 4 employees was kept because they were a POC during a down turn. It made no sense.

I will never work for an ESG corporation again. Glad I just turned down Medtronic offer. This white male is on strike from DEI/ESG. I suggest all other talented white males join this boycott. Let these woke companies die.

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